13 - His girl

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A slight bang happens on the other side of the door, and I become slightly worried. Is she okay?

She opens the door, smiling awkwardly. "Hi."

I smile hesitantly, slightly worried for her now red forehead, and also scared for what's about to happen. I stutter out what I had rehearsed a gazillion times in my head with Ried, "Hi, Bailee. You look so fine tonight." I internally throw up.

Her eyes sink, and her breathing gets slightly quicker. She seems very uncomfortable, and she barely stutters out a response. "Uhm, thanks.. I.. You.. Uhm, look great."

I feel guilty, and it's like a pit of fire was released in my stomach. Shit. I fucked up. I feel so awful.

She starts to panic, and I start to get even more worried as she slams the door, locking it as something -- I assume her body -- bangs against it.

I get worried and knock, gulping.

"I'm sorry, my brother was being a bitch. I'm ready, let's go." She mumbles, rushing past me.

I grab her hand, getting even more anxious. "I'm sorry. I know how that must've sounded. You look so pretty. And I promise I won't hurt you when we go. I swear we will just go to the place I want to take you, and you will go home safely. You look gorgeous." I murmur.

"Okay.. Thank you." She mumbles, part of her relieved, the other hesitant.

I not and lead her to my car, and I opem the door as she gets in. I walk around to the other side and hop into the driver's side, shutting the door before I see her staring at her clip. I go to talk, but get nervous, "Uhm.. That's yours. You left it yesterday." I smile, handing it to her.

She stares at the clip, a bit shocked. Oh no. Is it weird? Did it break?

"You kept it just to give it back to me? It's just a hair clip." She frowns a bit.

I shrug, not understanding why I wouldn't. "It's still yours. What if it meant a lot to you? I.. I have to be careful with you." I accidentally say.

She frowns, "Thanks.. I'm sorry if I ruined this date already."

She didn't ruin anything.. If only she knew, she's perfect. I'm not. "No, Bays. You didn't ruin anything, I promise. I just... Maybe we shouldn't go on a date. It's.. Just that.. It's not right." I mumble, frowning. Shit.

Her eyes get watery, and she starts to stutter. "I.."

I shake my head. "I really... Bailee, I.. I just.. I made a mistake.. I really do.."

A ding comes from her phone, and she interrupts me. "Hold on, please. Vy might be hurt."

That makes me feel awful. She's such a sweet girl.. I..

I see as her featured suddenly harden, and I watch her tears almost fall right then. Her hands start to shake, and her breathing quickens.

I try to start again, "Bailee.." I gulp. What's going on? What did I do? Fuck.

Her heart seems shattered, and I start to get really worried. "Wait, Bailee. What?"

Her eyes remind me of betrayal. She looks like she could skin me. She looks... so full of hate. Fuck fuck fuck.

"Do you really have to say it..?" She croaks out, her eyes saddened.

I gulp, "Bailee, what are you talking about? I just.. I like you, Bailee. I really do." I spurt out, mumbling.

Her sadness shifts to anger, and tears start to pour down her cheeks. Seeing her like this breaks me, and I realize how badly I've fucked up.

"SAVE IT, FELIX! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She screams, tears pouring everywhere. Her phone falls onto the floor of my car as she opens the car door and gets out, slamming it and running to her house. Her front door slams, and I'm frozen in place. I can't move.

My heart begins to sting, and I bang my head against the steering wheel. Tears fall from my eyes, and I scream into the car. "FUCKING HELL!"

How could I hurt her like this? After everything I've done to her. I even knew about Zoe. Fuck. Fuck.

I finally grabbed her phone, setting it on the seat while I drove away. Tears cloud my vision as I drive down the street, parking by the side of the road. I finally pull out her phone, powering it on worriedly. My hands shakily click on the messaging app, looking at the screenshot Veronica sent. Fuck.

I held onto her phone and hair clip she had dropped, crying. How the fuck could I mess up this badly?


a/n: oops guys

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