1 - Elementary school

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* Flasback to elementary school *


I set my lunch tray down on my lonely lunch table, turning my back from my class completely. I sigh at the "No nut table" sign, wishing somebody would sit with me.

A scrawny boy from my class walks over to me, an almost genuine smile on his face. He had a buzzcut, his hair dark black, and brown eyes, but I don't know his name because I never needed to learn anyone's names. They never wanted to hang out with me anyway...

He laughs a little, opening his palm, revealing a cookie. "Hey, Bailee. Want this?" He smirks.

My heart warms, and I nod happily. I take the cookie out of his hands with a wide smile, looking at the cookie. "Uhm.. Thanks.." I mumble.

He nods and walks back to his table, the other boys high-fiving him and laughing. I bite into the cookie happily, eating the whole thing. I start eating the rest of my lunch as well, but my throat starts to get itchy. Maybe it's from the milk. Sometimes, it makes me sick.

Oh.. Wait. I didn't get milk. Then what is it? I start to panic a bit as my throat starts to get even more itchy, my stomach beginning to hurt a lot.

I stumble over to the trashcans, clutching my stomach as it becomes hard to breathe. Hives start forming all over my body, and I begin emptying my stomach in the garbage.

A lunch lady rushes over to me worriedly, repeating my name, which I can't quite hear. And that's when I hear the boys and girls laughing, which makes me remember the cookie. "I-i.." I try to talk, but my tongue has started swelling a lot.

"Honey? What's wrong? What did you guys give her?" She turns to the rest of them, looking at the hives. She goes on her walkie-talkie and tells the office, which makes her panic as they mention my allergy to nuts.

I start to cry a bit from the panic, my mind slowly fading. The lunch lady shakes me and tells me to stay awake, and my heart beats in my chest. My breathing starts to get worse, and I hear the sirens of an ambulance. My vision gets blurry, and my mind goes foggy.

Some of the kids still laugh, but some are now quiet as I'm not the cafeteria floor. Mom, please, don't make me go to this school anymore.

The people from the ambulance rush to my side, pulling up my shorts a bit to give me a dosage of my epipen, and it stings as the needle pierces my skin.

Tears prick my eyes, and they pick me up, moving me to a bed and putting me inside the ambulance before I finally pass out.


* One week later. *


I slowly walk into the doors of my classroom, staring at my classmates. The scrawny boy who gave me the cookie isn't here, and I sit down in my normal seat that's away from everyone. Tears prick my eyes, and my teacher, Mrs. Gwynn welcomes me back.

I nod at her and say hi back, resting my head on my desk sadly. Yeah, thank you all for poisoning me. I'm glad I STILL don't have any friends.

A girl with brown hair and blue eyes taps my shoulder, a small smile on her face. I've never seen her before?

She blinks, "Hi! I haven't seen you here. I joined three days ago. Are you new too?" She giggles.

A small smile grows on my face, but I get worried. "Uhm, no.. Just nobody likes me. I'm Bailee." I introduce.

She frowns, "Why does nobody like you? You're so pretty!" She grins. "Anyways, I'm Vy!"

I smile, "Hi, Vy. Don't feel forced to hang out with me. I'm really fine. If my mom sets you up to this, you dont have .."

She cuts me off, "What do you mean? You seem way more genuine than carrot head and that big backed tomato." She pounts to Carmin and Nicole, the popular gingers.

A giggle erupts from me, and I smile at her sweetly. "I needed that.."

"Duh, I can tell. You were sitting here sulking like a loser." She jokes, pulling my chair. "Come on, let's move our desks closer. I'm at that table. " She points to one with another person I've never seen, a boy!

We scoot our desks closer, and I sit down with them. The teacher gives me a thumbs up a small smile as I turn to Vy and the boy. "Hi, I'm Bailee."

He nods, grinning slightly. "I'm Robbie. Nice to meet you, Bailee.." Robbie has black curly hair and dark brown eyes.

He seems shy, but it's cute! "Hi, Robbie. How come you guys are new?" I question.

"Oh, I moved from Rhode Island. He moved from Georgia." Vy smiles.

The teacher announced that she has to print things and will be back, so she leaves, and we all start working on homework or assignments.

I nod and pull out my worksheet, but a girl in my class rips it out of my hands. "Haha, Bailee! I bet they're going to give you nuts too, huh? Imagine almost dying from a peanut butter cookie!" She laughs, another girl grabbing my homework and ripping it up.

My smile fades, "No! I worked so hard on that. Why did you do that?" Tears prick in my eyes.

Vy stands up, "Don't talk to her like that! And don't touch her paper!" She snatches the 2 pieces from the girl. "Get out of our faces, you shrek looking ass."

The girl gasps, tears in her eyes. "Why do you even like that freak?! SHE'S SO WEIRD!" They all laugh.

Vy steps closer to the girl, grabbing her own paper and shoving it in the girls mouth. The girl yelps and falls back, taking the wet paper out of her mouth. "EWWW! You weirdo! I'm telling my mom!" She begins to cry.

The other girl shoves Vy, but she shoves her back. "Don't talk to Bailee like that! And still crying to your mommy in 5th grade? No wonder you bully people! Because you look like a raccoon's butt, and you have no life! Now leave Bailee alone!" She yells.

The girl gasps, and everyone laughs, making her face heat up with embarrassment. They all go to their seats, and Vy uses tape from her desk to tape my paper. "Here, Bays. I'm sorry they are so mean." She frowns.

My smile is uncontrollable as I hug Vy, "You're like, the best friend I could've ever asked for." I cry a little, and she just shrugs.

"You can ask for a new sheet and copy my work." I smile at Vy, and we shake hands.

We look at Robbie, who is now asleep on his desk. I hope we all stay friends forever..... Vy and Robbie are awesome!



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