12 - A date

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"Bailee. A DATE? WITH A BOY.WHO BULLIED YOU?" My brother fumes.

I roll my eyes, "Ez. Please, just think! He's so sweet! I think he might ACTUALLY like me." I mumble.

Ezra sighs, "If he hurts you, I swear to god I'll rip his thr..."

I interrupt him, "Ez. Stop. I'm fine." I snap, glaring at him. "Seriously. I'M OKAY. Just relax. Let me get ready with Vy! I'll be back in like a few hours."

Ezra sighs and hugs me, "Be safe, baby sis. Please. Okay?"

I glare, "Ezra. I'm safe. And don't start yapping about how I need to be safe. You're the one who was in the army."

He shakes his head, "Who taught you to be so good at snapping back?"

Vy raises her hand, "I did. Sorry, but I'm not sorry." She smiles widely.

After a few minutes, Ezra leaves, so I'm left with Vy getting ready. Because I'm not a fashionista, or even close to being able to style anything, Vy picked out clothes for me while we gossiped.

Vy picked out a pink lacey dress that flows down my body, the length short and neckline a v shape. It has long, lacey sleeves, and I wear all white Converse with it. I love Converse!

She also left my hair down, just straightening it and putting pink heart clips in it. She dug out those clips from when she had her slicked-back ponytail and clip phase, which is how you know she's committed to making me look cute. After that, I do my own makeup while she gets herself dressed for a date with Seth. I can't believe he asked her out!

The reason Robs isn't here with us is because we already got him ready for his date with Leo. Because they wanted to see a movie, he had to get ready way earlier to make sure they could make it to the movie times. Apparently, Leo and him really hit it off, so I'm proud as fuck. At the rate Robs was living, I thought he'd never find someone and end up being aro/ace for the rest of his entire life while he lived with four cats in an RV. But who knows, his future may not be full of cat food and litter boxes.

To my surprise, I was ready before Vy and ended up having to rush her. Vy looks so pretty in her black dress, and I almost tear up when I see that her and Seth's outfits match. Of course, Vy left before me. After 10 minutes, I ended up feeling like Felix ditched me.

But, he pulls up. He pulls into the driveway with his truck, parking it and walking towards the door, -- while I was watching him through the peephole -- He knocks, and the door bangs against my face. I step back, grabbing my forehead. Fuck. Fuck. OW???!?!?!

I calm down, and he knocks again, but this time I answer. "Hi." I smile.

He smiles, but something in his face feels wrong. Did I do something? "Hi, Bailee. You look so fine tonight."

Oh. My stomach drops a little, but I shake it off because I like him. "Uhm, thanks.. I.. You.. Uhm, look great, too."

Guilt slightly flashes in his eyes, but he seems to push past it. I wonder what goes on in his head? I thought he liked me. I thought he was sweet and checked the labels on foods and called me pretty. But no, oh no. He's probably going to try to kidnap me just like Will, I..

I slam the door, locking it and leaning against my door. I lean my back against it and fall to my butt, clutching my knees to my chest as I hyperventilate. Shit. Shit. He..

He knocks again, and I flinch. Fuck. What do I do? Just push through. You like him. YOU LIKE HIM.

I stand up and calm myself, opening the door. "I'm sorry, my brother was being a bitch. I'm ready, let's go."

He seems worried, and he grabs my hand as I storm past him. "I'm sorry. I know how that must've sounded. You look so pretty. And I promise I won't hurt you when we go. I swear we will just go to the place I want to take you, and you will go home safely. You look gorgeous." He mumbles.

My heart warms a little, but something still feels off. "Okay.. Thank you."

He nods, and we walk to his car, where he opens the door for me, and I get in. I look onto his dashboard and see my clip. Hm?

He gets in and smiles at me. He then looks where I was looking and goes to talk, but hesitates. "Uhm.. That's yours. You left it yesterday." He smiles softly, grabbing it and handing it to me.

I notice and see that it's not broken at all, which is surprising. "You kept it just to give it back to me? It's just a hair clip."

He shrugs, "It's still yours. What if it meant a lot to you? I.. I have to be careful with you." He murmurs, his demeanor changed completely.

I frown, "Thanks.. I'm sorry if I ruined this date already."

"No, Bays. You didn't ruin anything, I promise. I just... Maybe we shouldn't go on a date.. It's just that.. it's not right." He mumbles, frowning.

My heart starts to feel heavy, and I feel tears trying to fall from my eyes. "I.."

He shakes his head, "I really... Bailee, I.. I just.. I made a mistake.. I really do.."

I get a text from Vy, and interrupt him. "Hold on, please. Vy might be hurt."

The text reads,

Vy: 'Bailee, don't go on a date with Felix.'

With a screenshot attached.

My heart sinks as I read the familiar words, and tears brew in my eyes. I stare at Felix, and my heart breaks straight into two. How could he? Even after what Zoe did?

He begins to talk again, "Bailee.."

My face drops, and he notices me. "Wait, Bailee, what?" He asks worriedly.

Fake worriedly. My heart drops even more. "Do you really have to say it..?"

"Bailee, what are you talking about? I just.. I like you, Bailee. I really do." He mumbles.

And that sets me even more on fire, "SAVE IT FELIX! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I scream, tears now finally pouring down my cheeks.

I open the car door and get out of the car, slamming it while I run back inside. I opened my front door and slammed it, leaning against the door, sobbing. I let out loud sobs, clutching my knees as I re-think everything.

Ezra rushes to my side from upstairs, asking me what's wrong and where Felix is. I hate him. "What's wrong? What did he do?"

I sob loudly, clutching onto my brother. "I thought he liked me. It was all fake. A dare. He never liked me." I almost scream, and I feel like I'm sobbing over Zoe all over again.

My brother holds onto me, pushing my hair out of my face and comforting me. He dials mom's number and calls her, and she says she's on her way.

I thought he liked me.


a/n: yay...


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