4 - Birthday

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I toss and turn in Vy's bed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I check the clock and sigh, staring at the time. Only 4 am? I wish it was morning so I could just get my birthday over already!

Vy starts to snore, and I stare at her peaceful face. I lean close next to her, cuddling her. She's such a good friend... She's like a sister. She smiles in her sleep, pulling me close, and we spend the rest of the entire night cuddling.

Eventually, Vy shakes me awake. "Bays, Bays! Happy birthday!" She grins.

My eyes flutter open, and I smile back at her. "Thank you, Vy." I laugh. We pull into a close hug and get out of bed.

Robs isn't on his bed in Vy's room, and it confuses us even more when he's in the bathroom brushing his teeth. He turns to me with a wide grin, "Morning, Bays. Happy birthday. You're finally the same age as me." He spits out his toothpaste.

"Thank you, Robs. I didn't think you'd even be awake." I chuckle, grabbing my toothbrush. We all brush our teeth together and listen to music, enjoying our morning before school. Since Vy's mom is home, she decided to drive us, and we all look SO hot today.

My black hair is straightened and pulled half up half down, and I have light makeup on. I'm dressed in baggy jorts and a slipknot shirt, paired with my Converse and lots of accessories. Vy is wearing a camo cargo skirt and a black tanktop, white Converse, and lots of accessories, too. Her dark brown hair is curled and put into a ponytail with cute eyeliner. Robs is dressed in baggy sweatpants, a layered top, and long sleeve, along with his red Converse. His now blonde hair (that he dyed last night) is curly and falls around his face in a mullet-y style.

We all walk through the school, and a familiar clique of people all stare at us. Felix and his entire hockey time all stare at us, and a boy named Carter gawks and whistles at Vy. She flips him off, and we then walk by the cheerleaders, where Felix's girlfriend Bethany stops us. "So Bailee, ques.."

Felix cuts her off, wrapping his arm around her. "Happy birthday, Bailee. I guess we can leave you alone today, even if you do look like you just got in a car wreck." He laughs.

Bethany elbows him in the aide, "Why would you wish a happy birthday to that bitch?!" She exclaims.

My eyes widen. He first knows my birthday? And second, HE'LL STOP HIS GIRLFRIEND FROM BULLYING ME? Who changed this guy over summer, jeez??

Felix glares at Bethany, "Just cut it out, try again tomorrow." He pushes her to the side, agitating her.

Her hands clutch into fists, "Why do you keep basically flirting with that ugly bitch in front of me?? Do you like girls with black hair?!" She flicks her hair.

Felix shakes his head, "Sorry about her." He mumbles, walking away with Bethany.

Vy and I stare at each other in shock, and even Robs looks shocked. What?

We walk to our class, and the day goes on amazingly up until lunch. We sit at the no nut table with Apple Bees, and this time, she brings a friend named Kate, but it pisses me off when Felix continues to stare at me! With his girlfriend right next to him, too?!

He finally stands up and walks towards me despite his girlfriends disapproval. "Bailee, I got you this." He attempts to hand me a cake.

My smile fades, "Wow. So you never gave up on trying to poison me?? On my birthday, too?" I laugh dryly.

He shakes his head, "No, no. It's all packaged, and I checked the label. No nuts, and I got one without flour too because I got worried. I thought I remember you having an allergic reaction to that in sixth grade, but... You know what, I'm yapping. But here." He blushes softly, shoving it at me before rushing out of the bathroom as Bethany follows him.

I'm left flabbergasted as I check the label of the cake in my hands, where it really doesn't have nuts or flour. Why does he remember that I have an allergy to flour, too..? My heart flutters a little, but Vy quickly reminds me of fifth grade.

"What if he opened it, though?" She frowns. "This feels weird, Bays."

I shake my head, "It felt genuine. Back in fifth, I could tell something was wrong, but it really doesn't have any of that. He even knew which grade I had the reaction to! Try opening it to see if it's okay." I state.

Vy shakes her head, opening it. And it, in fact, has never been opened. It confuses all of us, but we all split the cake, and they sing happy birthday to me.

After lunch, we all go our separate ways, and eventually, school is over. Vy, Robs, and I all walk home happily. Robs yaps about a boy he sits next to, and it feels nice for Robs to actually talk and not fall asleep every 5 seconds.

Vy listens intently, but I've completely zoned out. I can't stop thinking about Felix! How he gave me that cake.. He blushed. He knew stuff about me! Like my birthday, my favorite cake, he even knew what grade it was when we found out I was allergic to flour. He asked his GIRLFRIEND not to make fun of me, and even if he made fun of me, it was nice.

Who changed him? Why can't I get Felix out of my head? Ugh! Why is he so..

So Felix? Ugh, I hate him!

We all decided to go out for dinner and to an arcade, but half of my birthday, I was focused on Felix. Felix Felix Felix.


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