7 - Festival ruined

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The week has gone by too slowly, and since today is friday, that means it's time for the festival. Will and I had already texted on when he was going to pick me up, so I'm currently getting ready with Robs and Vy.

When I told my mom, she got super excited and took me shopping while Vy tagged along. Robs had coding the day we went shopping, so we decided to force Robs to be with us while we got ready. Despite his complaining, we picked out his outfit and set up a date with him and a boy named Leo from his coding class! They are so cute.

For tonight, I decided to wear some baggy jeans, a black tanktop, a purple-ish flannel for when it gets cold, and my black Converse. I have tons of accessories, and I left my hair loose and straightened. I have my contacts in, along with natural eyeliner and a bit of lip gloss. Vy told me I looked sexy, but I shooed her away and looked in the mirror. I'm so nervous.

"Bays, you look good. I promise." Robs smiles slightly.

I roll my eyes, "You're just saying that, Robs. You're my best friend, you HAVE to say things like that." I frown.

Vy gasps, "Bitch, shut up. Okay? You look great! And I would tell you if you looked bad. Just like when I told you about your green sweater that looked like.."

I cut her off, "Okay, okay. There is no need to bring up my adorable green sweater." I huff, looking in the mirror.

Vy smirks and undresses, putting her adorable outfit on. She's wearing a black denim skirt, along with a My Chemical Romance shirt, paired with black chunky boots and a flannel that matches mine. "So we always are together." She smiles, fixing the flannel's collar.

I smile, and my heart gets even mushier as Robs pulls on an identical flannel to ours, glaring. "Love you, I guess."

Vy and I immediately squealed, jumping up and down, before my mom knocked. "Hey, kiddos! Your dates are here."

We all smile, and even Robs does as we all walk downstairs, my mom waiting at the end of the stairway. "Bailee, you've got this. Look out for.."

"Mom. I know. I'll be okay." I laugh, "I told Will a gazillion times. And yes, Vy and Robs will be safe." I assure her, and she hugs me.

She cries a little, "My babies first date with a boy, oh god men suck." She hugs me tighter than she ever has.

I pull away from her, "Mom, Robs is right here..." I laugh.

Robs shakes his head before my mom starts apologizing to him dramatically.

I open the door, and we wave bye to my mom as we walk out to three separate cars. We all do our little secret hand-shake before getting in the cars of our dates, and I smile like an idiot as Robs awkwardly opens the door to the boy's tesla. Poor Robs.

Will opened the door for me before climbing in the car. "You look so hot tonight, Bailee." He compliments.

I smile. Not because I'm blushing, but because he's nice. He's nice, but.. Is he really? Just hot? Not pretty.. Or gorgeous? Or beautiful? And, do I feel romantically attracted to him? Probably not. Would I consider him a friend? Also, not. He's not Robs or Vy.

"Thank you, you look very handsome." I smile back. Oh, ew! That was cheesy!

He blushed, starting the car and driving the opposite direction that Vy and Robs went. Picnics are so cute!

We make small talk in the car on the way to the park, finally arriving at the fancy place. Will opened my door for me, and he grabs the basket and blanket from the back of his car. We walk to the grassy area, where he lays the blanket down.

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