26. Distant

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Riley had barely said anything to anyone since the brutal fight with Hunter and Killian happened.

While everyone was concerned about Benji and kept him company as Oliver worked on him, she was all alone in the bedroom.

She wondered how Killian had managed to hide it from her for five years that he was a werewolf. He never showed signs of being one and even when she had become one herself, she could never tell and not once did he show even the smallest signs.

Among the many questions she had for him was if he had always known that she was one of them. Also, she wondered if he could tell that she belonged to Hunter.

She wished to speak to him, but it would take her a while before such a time would come. She didn't want to see him after what he had done to Benji. His blue eyes also bothered her as she wondered what state he was in when he killed an innocent human.

Her mind instantly stopped racing when she sensed Hunter at the door.

Quietly, he came in and paced a few times. They hadn't spoken to each other since the fight with Killian.

With their mate bond so strong, she could usually sense his emotions and thoughts but at that moment, he was extremely distant.

As he sat down on the bed, she got closer and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"I'll be fine."

"Do you want to talk about it? I also have so many questions."

"No. Forget about everything that happened. Act like Killian never showed up here. It's better that way."

"You can't just expect me t-"

"I said no!" He angrily got off the bed. "Which part of that don't you freaking understand? Just drop it! Fuck!"

He kicked the leg of a chair angrily and the whole thing fell apart, but that didn't stop him from leaving the mansion through the window.

Now left alone, she placed a hand on her chest, deeply hurt by his reaction when she was just concerned.

Even if he was gone, she was certain she could get answers from certain packmates since they seemed to know about Killian.

For a start, she reached out to Nico using the mind link.

"Hey, can you please explain to me what's going on?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Hunter gave the order just now. No one is allowed to talk about it."

"Oh...I see."

"Yes, and please don't bother asking the others who know about this. They've all been ordered to say nothing. The only one who will tell you is Hunter. I heard him yell at you but please understand he's in a lot of pain right now. when he's ready to open up, he'll tell you himself."

At that moment, Riley held onto the hope that Hunter would calm down soon and they would talk about it, so she decided to wait for him.

However, he didn't return that night. She sat by the window, looking out and wondering where he was. Even when she tried to reach him through the mind link, she couldn't get through to him. She felt very disconnected from him and even the others couldn't seem to reach him.

When he returned in the afternoon the following day, he came through the bedroom window but said nothing to her no matter how hard she tried to speak to him.

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