9. A Threat

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When Riley realized how upset she had sounded, she tilted her head, wondering why she had that sudden rage.

"I uh...I mean who is it?" she asked, relaxing her facial muscles.

"Her name's Bria," Val said.

As she was led down the stairs and learned more about Bria and her seduction, her rage only consumed her more. There was something in her that naturally made her feel that way and she clenched her fists.

But when she was in the kitchen, her rage faded as she sat around with the girls and they told her so many stories about the most unforgettable moments when Hunter showed his unmatched strength in battle.

Dawn took the lead in demonstrating with her warrior gestures.

"....and then he ripped the vampire's head off!"

Riley was so amazed by Hunter's strength and bravery that her smile grew wider with each new story they told her about the battles.

She even imagined him in battle in his wolf form, the image of it radiating nothing but dominance.

When the stories came to an end, Val reached for her hand and said, "We really need you here."


"Yeah, we need you with us," Dawn added, reaching for Riley's other hand.

When the other girls joined in and they all circled around her, it was too overwhelming.

"Wait... girls... wait!" She yelled to get their attention. "I only came here to find out more about all this. It's still very strange to me."

They all frowned and she felt bad for them.

Just when she was about to tell them nothing was final yet and she would actually stay, she was interrupted.

"Seriously?" An unfamiliar voice said.

When everyone looked over and she could finally see who had just walked in, she recognized the black haired girl from earlier who seemed less enthusiastic in the lobby.

"I can't believe you girls are actually falling for this Luna thing. What if she's no one? You, Riley, do us all a favor and get out of this house."

"Watch it before I rip that spine!" Dawn warned her.

Dawn's threat didn't seem to do much as Bria continued with her rant.

"All these celebrations mean nothing because she hasn't even proven herself yet!"

With crossed arms, Riley boldly approached Bria, her tone firm as she spoke to her.

"When Hunter took me to the study, I got to meet all the high ranking wolfpack members. But the thing is that you weren't there, which means you have no form of authority here so who are you?"

"I'm the uh..." Bria trailed off.

"She's Bria!" Val and Dawn said.

As soon as Bria's name was mentioned, Riley's breath quickened and her sudden rage was back.

"It's you!" Riley yelled, her rage consuming her until her eyes started glowing and she bared her fangs and claws.

Panicking, Bria took a step back from Riley, but screamed agonizingly when Riley suddenly strangled her and lifted her off the ground, her grip so tight that her claws penetrated the sides of Bria's neck.

"Open the door!" Riley yelled through her fangs.

After Dawn rushed to open the door, right where from where she stood, Riley hurled Bria outside with a loud growl.

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