19. Killian

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Riley went shopping with Val and Dawn in the town center of Wulfuric Hills so they could not only help her pick a dress for the event, but also watch over her.

They had managed to convince everyone back at the Mayfield Mansion that they could easily handle themselves in the face of danger and no matter what was said, the three of them won in the end.

"What do you girls think about this one?" Riley asked, turning around for the two of them while checking out her elegant body hugging dress.

"At this point, everything looks good on you so how about you just settle for anything and we can leave? I want to go back to your mom's house and eat!" Dawn playfully became grumpy.

"Actually, I feel the same way!" Val nodded with enthusiasm.

"Seriously?" Riley shook her head.

"Don't act so surprised that Val agrees with me. You heard what your mother said before we came here and I can't wait."

"You two are forgetting we have so many stores around where we can get something to eat, right?"

"No, it's not the same." Dawn sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well.... I'll tell you on the way home."

Riley couldn't wait to hear all about it, especially because of how Dawn seemed to soften up.

When it was time to pay for the dress, Dawn and Val stood in line with her and there were only a few in front of her before it would be her turn to pay.

But just then, she picked up Killian's cologne and her eyes widened. She looked around but couldn't yet see him.

Val and Dawn noticed her getting a little restless but even when they asked, she didn't respond.

Ever since the last time she had gone back to Hunter smelling like Killian, she hadn't yet spoken to him, not even through text messaging. She didn't know how to stop being friends with him.

When she spotted him through the glass walls, walking right to the entrance, she looked away and wondered what to do.

Coming up with the perfect plan, she left the payment process to Val and Dawn, telling them she'd explain later.

She then stepped out of the store and used the other door to leave, glad she didn't run into him.

She crossed the road in a hurry and got a few blocks away from that store.

But just when she got to a corner and turned, she flinched and took a step back when she unexpectedly ran into Killian.

"How did you get here?" she asked, her eyes wide in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I saw you in that store and-"

"You saw me and ignored me?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" He crossed his arms, his arm tattoos on full display.

"I just...well..."

Even though she struggled to explain herself, it wasn't because she hated lying to him, but because she wondered how he got there when she had left him in the store. It was impossible.

"Why have you been ignoring me? Well? I'm waiting," he demanded.

"Uh... I've just been busy."

"With what?"


He scoffed. "Do you think I'm stupid, you idiot? Whatever it is, spit it out. You know I can take it."

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