22. Fight and Shift

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As Riley charged at Cage, she was certain she still had enough skills to last a while and land an attack.

However, it wasn't as easy as she thought.

Being the Gamma and strongest warrior of the pack, Cage had perfected his skills in battle and no matter how hard Riley tried, she couldn't land a single punch.

"Is this everything Val and Dawn taught you? A few dance moves?"

"Shut up!" She grunted.

He chuckled. "The threat level is so low that I don't see the slightest possibility of having to call Oliver again so he can help with life threatening injuries."

"Just shut up!"

She swung her fists and kicked, but didn't even come close to hitting him at any point. Despite her frustration, she was amazed by how skilled he was.

"Enough," he finally said, grabbing her fist with a poker face. "I see Val and Dawn taught you well, at least for their level."

She grunted, ready to push him away so she could send him flying in the air.

"Go on and push me," he dared her, his eyes glowing grey.

"No, I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"I know I have the advantage when it comes to strength, but I don't want to rely on that right now."

"Do you admit you lost?"

She sighed. "Yes."

Cage took a step back and chuckled with a poker face as he looked to the afternoon sky, proudly hitting his chest.

She shook her head at how much it meant to him that she admitted to losing to him.

After giving him a moment to take in his glory, she stepped forward and clenched her fists.



"Teach me how to fight like you."

"Of course, Luna," he bowed to her.

That afternoon, she learned so much from him that by the time it was sunset, he let her try out her newly learned skills on him.

"Good! Again!" He ordered her and she charged at him again, putting everything to good practice.

She was so proud of herself that she looked forward to training with him whenever it was possible.

At that point, she knew that should she ever run into the three Lunas who attacked her at the annual event, she wouldn't be as defenseless as before.

When the training came to an end in the evening, the two of them began to make their way back to the mansion.

Despite how much time had passed, she couldn't stop thinking about his reaction when she had admitted to losing against him.

"Did it really mean that much to you?" she asked, stopping in her tracks while they were in the woods.

"I've trained all my life. I was born in this family to fight and for someone like me, there's nothing more honorable than a victory against someone like you."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Someone like me?"

"You're Riley Mostyn. I got to fight you and train you."

"I see." She nodded. "I bet you'll tell Dawn as soon as we arrive."

"Already did."

"You just couldn't wait, huh?" She scoffed.

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