Chapter 12

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(Izuku POV)

I was pretty tense most of the way to the reception, I mean who wouldn't be, Mr. Bakugo is so frightening, out of all the kings to be, it had to be this angry looking Pomeranian.

Sorry! that was rude, I'm sure he's really nice... Just a little closed off? And a little too angry for my liking.

We finally arrived to out destination, it looked beautiful on the outside, very nicely decorated, I really do love it.

 I just kind of wished I was the one planning it all...I wanted my wedding to be perfect, and exactly how I wanted it, I'm truly unhappy about not planning my own wedding, a once in a life time opportunity, I only have my first wedding once.

But I'm going to have to make do with my situation, I shouldn't dwell on something I cannot control!

We walked inside, and immediately people from different kingdoms surrounded us, it was a little too much for me since I have been locked in a castle most of my life, I haven't really gained any social skills. 

The only people who were around, was the maids, and they hated me and didn't want to talk, and a few more of the servants, who also weren't quite found of me either, and then there was my mother, she only talked to me if it was important, or to hurt me, hurling insults at me, though that wasn't really talking to me, that was talking at me.

I would only sometimes I would go to events, but I would usually have to stay with my mother the whole time, and they never really paid any attention to me.

I looked around at the many people gathering around us, I gave them all a closed eyed smile and excused myself saying "I-it's great to s-see you all, b-but I will have to e-excuse myself to the b-bathroom" I stuttered feeling shy as they all stood silent as I talked, it was pretty shocking considering no one ever cared to listen to me, it made me feel weird and a little happy.

they all made room for me to walk my way to the washroom, I bowed, and they all gasped.

I was slightly confused, but everyone in that room stared at me completely shocked.

'What did I do?!? Izuku why are you such a screw up! You can't do anything right can you?! You just have to ruin everything!' I thought to myself as I looked away blushing from embarrassment, I kept my eyes glued to the floor as I made my way to the restroom ignoring all the staring eyes that looked as I walked by.

I locked and closed the stall and sat on the toilet with the seat still down, yes I know I'm a prince, why the hell am I doing such a revolting thing? Here's a simple answer, I don't care. (Nah he can be real sassy at times ma days, chill Izuku 😭🙏)

small tears escaped my eyes as I looked down at the floor, as I thought that I could never show my face again, not after that anyways, I don't even know what I did wrong.

I suddenly heard the door open and I kept quiet, I didn't let a single noise leave my mouth; I heard heels clicking on the tiled floor, as they then started talking, the moment she did, I immediately knew the sound of that sickening voice.

"How could you embarrass me Infront of all of my friends, and most importantly my future kingdom- I mean the rubies kingdom!? What the hell is wrong with you! I ask you to do one thing, and now you've completely ruined that too!!" My mother screamed at me on the other side of the stall, I shrunk further into the toilet as a few tears escaped my eyes.

Of course it was about her, and her reputation, that's all she ever thinks about, I don't matter to her at all, she stopped yelling at me for a minute before talking in a more quieter and annoyed tone.

"Now this is what your going to do, you are going to go out there, and apologize to everyone." She stated leaving the facility, I  heard the door open, and the sound of heels clicking fading away.

I took in a deep breath, and began to ponder on the interaction between me and my mother a few minutes ago.

'Wait a second... why the fuck was she in the men's bathroom..? That woman really has no shame my god.' Thinking to myself.

I shakily stood up, holding myself up by the wall, i then stood up straight and brushed himself off.

He hesitantly walked out of the bathroom, looking around to see if anyone saw him, his eyes meet his newly wedded husband glaring at him, through the crowd of girls who were fawning over him.

I looked down shamefully, 'How could I be so stupid, I have no idea what I've done but it seems everyone is annoyed at me.' I thought to myself as I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. 

Turning around slowly, I laid my eyes on one of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, not in a romantic way of course, but she looked amazing.

She was wearing a gorgeous orangy yellow coloured dress, it was breath-taking.

(This is what she wore, this was almost exactly what I imagined, ITS SO PRETTYYYYYYYYY!! If you don't like it then think of another dress that fits you're style!! <33)

(This is what she wore, this was almost exactly what I imagined, ITS SO PRETTYYYYYYYYY!! If you don't like it then think of another dress that fits you're style!! <33)

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She gave me a kind smile then began saying, "oh Izuku dear, it's been too long!!" she exclaimed, with a huge smile.

"U-uh hi..?" I replied a little confused

 'am I supposed to know her or something??' I questioned myself silently.

"You probably don't remember me, I mean you were only a toddler when you used to come over." She claimed, still full of excitement. 

Before I could respond she started speaking again.

"I'm Bakugo Mitsiki, I'm that little brats mother" she said pointing at Mr. Bakugo while rolling her eyes loosing the excitement she once had a second before.

'Oh god, is he really that bad?? Even his own mother thinks he's a brat' I thought to myself worryingly.

"If he ever gets too much, just ask for me and I'll be right there to put him back in his place!" She exclaimed, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

'Wait why is she sounding annoyed!? What did I do!?! Did I mess up again!? Mother going to kill me if she finds out I upset Mr. Bakugos mother!!' I thought freaking out, I'm guessing it showed, because Mrs. Bakugo pulled me into a hug and began to stroke my hair calming me down. 

I nuzzle into her scent glad as she started releasing a small amount of calming pheromones.

I've never felt so cared for before...

Is this what feeling content is..? 

If so, I want to be content all the time!! 😤


I hoped you all loved this chapter, I've been working on a few more to make up from me not posting updates for over like 1 month 😭💀

Hope you guys are doing well! 😔🌸

Have a great rest of your Morning/Day/Night/Afternoon/Evening!!

And you, you know who you are, what the hell are you still doing up past midnight, go to bed now, this is not healthy! 😤😤

Don't forget to drink water too!! 😤💅👍

Okayyy bye my marshmallows 🌸👋

(Words: 1245)


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