Chapter 7

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(Izuku POV)

I was hiding behind Mr. Kirishima like the coward I am, as I felt another presence in the room, I looked to my side to see Mr. Bakugo glaring at me with a look of disgust in his crimson eyes, I jumped a little gulping, then meeting Kirishimas back again, to scared to even look at him before starting to shake.

I jumped once again at the sound of his deep and annoyed voice "Tsk, go changed quickly before I get inpatient and drag you out myself, ready or not" he claimed in an annoyed tone, a shiver traveled down my spine at the thought as my eyes widened at his statement.

I kept looking straight forward to startled to bring my eyes to meet his.

"Okay Bakubro, your scaring poor Izuku here, just sit in the carriage we'll be there in a minute." Kirishima said in a calm voice, as if he's heard this type of thing before.

"Shut the fuck up shitty hair, I don't need you to tell me what to do, might I remind you, your only a slave to me, know your place" he scowled at Kirishima.

'How could he say that to him...?' I thought to myself, feeling bad for poor Kirishima, I'm sure he wasn't trying to over step his boundaries....

Kirishima's face dropped in disappointment, feeling bad for him I grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile without thinking, I then heard Mr. Bakugo scoff, hearing him make his way down the hall, as Kirishima turned to me, smiling a little.

Mr. Kirishima was about to say something but was cut off by the bubbly pink haired girl jumping out of the doors once again, holding the scent blockers, she handed them to me, letting go of kirishima's arm I took them as she started talking once more.

"Be careful with them and don't wear them for too long, you could get sick if you use them for over 15hrs, the toxins can affect your health so be aware for how long you use them, we don't want you getting sick on the first day, now do we?" She said while handing me a piece of paper while smiling.

"And on this list are just a few reminders on, how to look after it properly, how long you should preferably use it, etc." She said being a little more serious.

"Last but not least, ifanything goes wrong just come back here and I'll gladly help!" She claimed becoming more less serious, she gave me a big smile looking at me hopefully.

"Um.. t-thank y-you v-very much..." I said a little embarrassed, a small blush appeared on my cheeks as a looked down.

"AWHHH HES SO CUTE!!! I WANT HIMMM!!!!" She exclaimed with excitement.

I shrivelled back behind Mr. Kirishima.

"May, calm down your scaring him again" he chuckeld at her idiocy.

'Her names may?? That's so pretty!' I thought to myself smiling some more.

"Thanks May, see you later?" Mr Kirishima asked.

"You know it!!" She replied.

"Bye Eji, bye little green bean!!!" She yelled down the hall waving.

"Uh- b-bye!" I looked back waving too.

'Since when did we start walking away?? And whats going on tonight???' I thought quite confused.

"W-what's h-happening t-tonight t-that's s-so i-important??" I asked curiously.

"Oh, well we're having a royal dinner because of your wedding of course, how could you forget something like that" Kirishima chuckles again.

I blushed out of embarrassment looking down.

"Um.. w-well I o-only f-found o-out a-about this w-wedding t-this morning, w-while be-being s-shoved in a c-carriage." I sighed thinking, 'why am i stuttering so much!? It must be so annoying.'

"Ohhhh, that makes sense now, but why only this morning did you find out, that's kinda stupid." Kirishima replied with a confused look.

I just shrugged my shoulders even though I know exactly why.

We suddenly stopped, and I looked up to see a double door.

Kirishima opened them letting me in.

My eyes immediately began to sparkle as I looked inside, I turned my head to see Kirishima nodding at me, signaling for me to go in.

I looked back at the luxurious room, my eyes then spotting one certain area.

A forest green dress..

 I walked up to it my eyes glued on the dress before me, let me remind you, I really, really hated dresses.

but this one...

this one was stunning...


Hi! Long time no see! T-T

I'm extremely sorry for not publishing anything, I feel really bad T-T

But I got encouraged by a commenter and for some of you guys voting, that really helped so thank you very much for that I really appreciate it.

This chapter is kinda shitty, I had some writers block so that sucked.

Anyways I love you guys, and thank so so so so very much, I'm glad u like this book so far! Ima be trying to get into a routine of publishing so I hope that goes well.

(This apology was all over the place I am very sorry though I hope u got that bit I'm just going to stfu before I make this worse T-T)

Until next time 

Bye my marshmallows! <3

(Words: 831)


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