Chapter 5

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(Izuku POV)

"We're here!" I immediately jumped out of me seat at the sound of one of the guards, I then realized I must have fell asleep.

"Jumpy aren't we?" Another voice claimed but it sounded more ruff, I looked over to where the ruff voice came from, i then felt a blast of sunlight heading for me eyes, I closed them, slowly opening them to get use to the light, I squinted as i tired to look at the figure, my eyes got used to the light and now I could clearly see it was Bakugo my now.... husband...

He glared at me, then started speaking again as i recognized whose ruff voice "Don't fall asleep again, I'm not carrying you in." he said with the same tone.

The carriage door opened suddenly showing a red headed man smiling awkwardly at us, Bakugo, my now Husband, got out first getting out without me.

I followed behind after the red head helped me out, the moment I was finally out in the open, I felt a warm breeze fly past me, as my eyes led me to the massive castle standing Infront of me, my eyes glistening in the sunlight as I gaze at the castle.

I heard a cough behind me, I turned around to see the red head pointing to Bakugo, he smiled and a small chuckle left his lips as I gave a slight gasp when I finally began trying to catch up to Bakugo, I stayed a few feet behind Bakugo, not wanting him to be angry at me.

I looked around, when I suddenly felt myself bump into something hard, I looked up to see Bakugo's back, I flushed with embarrassment, I stepped away from him, looking down while blushing still embarrassed.

"Watch where going next time Deku" He said suddenly, I looked up to his back again not even able to get a glance of his face, I was confused with what he called me.

"Deku....?" I said quietly 'I DID NOT MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD THAT'S SO RUDE!! HOW COULD I QUESTION HIM, OH GOD, PLEASE DON'T BEAT ME!!' I thought to myself looking down covering my mouth.  

"Tch, it means useless, fits you perfectly." He said in a cold tone before signalling for the guards to open the large castle doors, he stepped inside as I kept my head down processing what he said, and what he didn't do.

'Why didn't he hit me? Why was I let off? Why didn't he get mad? Why did I even talk back?! What's wrong with me?! But this maybe the only time he lets me of, next time he's bound to hit me, or even-' my thinking was cut short by a low growl as I then realized I must have been mumbling, it's an annoying trait I have, I've tried to get it to stop, but its just so hard! You know? getting rid of a habit takes a while, maybe if I try- oh god i was doing it again wasn't I? sorry heh..

Bakugo looked annoyed by the way he scrunched his face and his eyes narrowing glaring at me.

He sighed and began walking up the stairs as I then followed him, we reached the top and i sighed out of exhaustion, we then walked down this long luxurious hallway with oh so many doors! We finally reached this one door, it looked like all the others, but I could smell that it was his room... wait... I could smell... I could smell his room?! 

He sniffed the air, and looked at me, I gulped.

'What is he going to do?! He's for sure going to punish me now!! Why are these sent blockers so quick to run out?! They have only been on fore maybe what 1hr? or 2? ugh it doesn't matter, what matters is that he's smelt my sent, and he's properly going to yell at me or beat me!' I gulped again just thinking of it.

He gave me a disgusted look scowling and opened his mouth "Elchhh!! go get Shitty Hair ,and then you can put you're sent blockers on, so then I don't have to smell those disgusting pheromones of yours."

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