Chapter 2

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(Katsuki POV)

I heard a knock on the door, I look at it and rolled my eyes before yelling.

"The fuck you want!?"

Bakugo your parents have called for you, they have requested that make your way to the dinning hall.

"Whatever" I said unamused, I opened my door as I trailed my way down the hall 'why the fuck are they having breakfast at 7 in the fucking morning!? I was just about to go hunting!' I thought to myself as I reached the doors of the dinning room.

I signaled for the guards to open the big double door.

on my way in and stood at my chair glaring at them as I then said "the hell you want I was just about to leave!" I yelled 

"Language Katsuki, sit down we need to talk." My father yelled but in a calm like voice , he rearly spoke like that never speaks like that unless there's something wrong I wonder what happened...

 I sat down as  my mother sat quietly looking at her food.  She didn't look quite happy I wonder what happened.

 My father looked at me understand face he then started speaking " I know this is probably going to be a shock , You're getting married we decided this a few weeks ago and you're getting married to the emeralds son his name is Izuku Midoriya."  He said with a stern voice.

 I looked at him in pure shock I don't wanna get married, fuck I'm only 18!!! And from what I've heard  The Emerald son is only 15, so no way in hell I'm going to marry a 15-year-old!!

"NO! THE FUCK?!? YOUR SIERIOUSLY SETTING ME UP WITH A 15-YEAR-OLD?!? PLUS, I DONT WANT TO GET MARRIED!! ESSPESSUALY TO SOME KID!! IM STILL YOUNG MYSELF!!" I yelled angrily looking at my father who had a unimpressed look on his face, I rolled my eyes.

"Please keep your voice down! I'm just trying to be reasonable, so we-" Before he could finish I cut him off.

"Reasonable... REASONABLE?!? WOW YOU'RE TRYING TO BE RESONABLE?! SIERIOUSLY!? HOW DID YOU THINK I WOULD ACT FINDING OUT THAT IM GETTING MARRIED?! AND TO A FUCKING 15-YEAR OLD?!?" I yelled sarcastically, i then heard quite sobbing next to me, I looked over to see my mother crying, my Fathers eyes also gazed over to my mother, his face softened as he got up and gave my mother a hug.

I felt guilty, i didn't show it though, but imagen if you were being forced to marry some kid you only found out the day it would happen? 

I looked at the unhappily as i started to walk to the doors, when I suddenly heard a soft voice call out for me, I turned around and stared at my mother.

"what." I said coldly

"Please Katsuki, please marry Izuku, hes so kind and sweet, I'm sure you'll love him as much as I do!" my mother cried, I just stared at her in disbelief, she wanted to marry some kid just because she likes him!! WHY IS EVERYONE I KNOW SO SELFISH!?

"Wow" I let out a sad chuckle, "You want me, to marry some kid just because you like him?!" I looked at them angrily, then turned around and started heading for the door again.

"KATSUKI!" I turned around immediately looking shocked, to see that it was my farther who yelled.

"You ether marry him, or we will disown you." he looked at me dead in the eye, I glared back challenging him.

"You wouldn't dare..!" i growled letting out menacing pheromones, looking him dead in the eye.

He then pulled out i signed form, i looked a little closer squinting my eyes, my eyes widened looking at it, realizing he was not joking, i looked back up at him, then my mother who was silently crying in my fathers eyes.

"How could you..." I felt betrayed but i kept my self strong. 

"fine..." I said, before turning around, walking out the double doors that lead me through the hallway, shitty hair fallowed behind me talking, but I couldn't focus on him, I was too consumed in my own world.

How could they do this to me, i thought they understood me, I thought that they cared about how I felt, but they don't, how come they don't hear how bazar it sounds?! I was way too busy in my own mind to realize i was being dressed by some extra, I just huffed.

After they were finished, Raccoon eyes tried to put some make-up on me put i stopped her immediately, giving her a glare and a small growl. 

She jumped and giggled saying, "Awhh come on bakubabeeeeeeee, don't be so boring!! You have to look good for you're bride to be!!!" I growled at that statement.

"Get our Pinky pie!" I growled as she pouted, I rolled my eyes.

She eventually left closing the door behind her, the moment she left I sighed in frustration.

I then made my way to the door taking a deep breath and opening them, I walked down a few hall's to the castle's main entrance, I saw both of my parents looking at me with a sad smile, I rolled my eyes, I walked past them not even sparing them a glance before getting into the carriage. 


sorry if it was shot <3333

Love you my marshmallow's byee.

(884 Words)

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