Vampire Jake: Foolish girl (Smut)

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Paring: vampire Jake x Reader
Style: Dark romance, NSFW, Smut,
Warning: manipulation, rough sex, claiming, a bit of violence
Word count: 3446

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Jake sprinted through the dimly lit streets, his breath ragged and heart pounding in his chest. The memory of his friends lying lifeless, their necks marked by cruel bites, haunted him. His only refuge now was y/n's apartment. He was certain Jungwon, once the adorable member of Enhypen, had turned into something sinister, something he couldn't comprehend.

As he reached y/n's building, he glanced over his shoulder, ensuring Jungwon wasn't following him. "Gotta make it," he muttered under his breath, pushing himself harder.

Finally, he arrived at y/n's doorstep, tears mingling with sweat on his face. He pounded on the door, desperation evident in every breath. When y/n opened the door, shock painted across her face at the sight of Jake's disheveled state, he felt a flicker of relief.

"Y/N, it's Jungwon. I don't know what happened, but he's changed. Can I come in and hide for a while?" Jake's voice trembled with fear and uncertainty.

"Jake? Of course, come in. What's wrong?" y/n's concern was palpable as she ushered him inside.

Once inside, Jake poured out the terrifying events, his voice trembling as he recounted seeing Jungwon standing over Ni-Ki's lifeless form. As y/n embraced him, trying to calm his frayed nerves, a sharp knock echoed through the apartment, sending a shiver down Jake's spine.

"Stay quiet," y/n whispered, her hand on Jake's shoulder, as she approached the door.

Opening it cautiously, y/n found Jungwon on the other side, his usually cheerful demeanor replaced by a look of apprehension. "Y/N? Is Jake here?" he inquired, peering past her into the apartment.

"No, he's not here. What's going on? It's late," y/n replied, puzzled by Jungwon's unexpected visit.

"Don't lie, Y/N, did you invite him into your apartment?" Jungwon's tone was urgent, tinged with fear.

"Yeah, he was frightened because of you," y/n answered honestly, confusion evident in her voice.

"You need to get out of there now. Whatever Jake has told you about me, don't believe him," Jungwon's words were rushed, panicked, as he stepped inside without waiting for an invitation, dispelling Jake's claims of vampirism.

Just then, Jake emerged from his hiding spot, a dark smirk playing on his lips as he approached y/n from behind. "Thank you for letting me in, y/n," Jake said, his voice dripping with malice, before forcefully pushing Jungwon out and slamming the door shut.

As the door clicked shut behind them, sealing y/n's fate, Jake's sinister facade crumbled, revealing the darkness that lurked within him. "You foolish girl," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he turned to face y/n, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. "Now, there's no escape. You belong to me."

Outside, Jungwon's desperate cries reverberated through the door, a stark reminder of the danger y/n was now facing. "Jake, stop this! Let her go!" he shouted, pounding on the door with all his might, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as Jake remained fixated on his prey.

Y/n's heart raced as Jake advanced towards her, her mind racing for a way out of this nightmare. With each step he took, her fear deepened, her instincts screaming at her to run. But before she could make a move, Jake's iron grip closed around her arm, pulling her closer to him.

She recoiled at the coldness in his eyes, the once familiar gaze now filled with predatory hunger. "You can't hide from me, Y/N," he taunted, a cruel smirk playing on his lips as he brushed her hair aside, baring her neck to his hungry gaze.

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