Sunoo || Trip (Smut)

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Paring: Sunoo x Reader
Warning: pet names, smut, NSFW, not much of a story except for Y/N coming back to Korea after a long trip.
Style: Romance, Smut, Friendship
Word Count: 1972

As the plane touched down on Korean soil, Y/N couldn't contain her excitement

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As the plane touched down on Korean soil, Y/N couldn't contain her excitement. She had been away for what felt like an eternity, traversing the globe, collecting memories in every corner of the world. But now, she was back, and her heart raced with the thought of surprising Sunoo, her dearest friend, and perhaps something more.
Pulling her luggage behind her, Y/N navigated through the bustling streets of Seoul, making her way to the ENHYPEN house, a place that felt like a second home thanks to Sunoo's warm invitations and the members' welcoming nature. As she stood before the door, a mixture of nerves and anticipation bubbled inside her. She raised her hand to the doorbell, hesitating for a moment before pressing it firmly.
The door swung open, revealing Riki, whose initial look of confusion quickly transformed into a bright smile of recognition.

"Y/N? What a surprise! Come in, come in!" Riki exclaimed, stepping aside to let her through.

"Thank you, Riki. It's good to see you again," Y/N replied, stepping into the familiar warmth of the house.

Riki closed the door behind her, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Sunoo's in the shower right now, but make yourself at home. I have to know, though—how was your trip? Sunoo's been showing us all your photos. It looked amazing!"

Y/N laughed, settling herself onto the plush couch in the living room. "It was incredible, Riki. I've got stories for days."

As if on cue, Jungwon, Sunghoon, and Jake entered the room, their faces lighting up at the sight of her.

"Y/N! You're back!" Jungwon cheered, leading the others in a group hug that made Y/N's heart swell with affection.

"Did you bring us anything?" Sunghoon teased, earning a playful shove from Jake.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll have to wait and see," Y/N teased back, enjoying the light-hearted banter.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, stories of Y/N's adventures mingling with the members' own tales of their time apart. Laughter filled the room, creating a warm, convivial atmosphere. Jay and Heeseung eventually joined them, lured in by the sound of familiar voices, and the reunion felt complete.
However, the moment was fleeting, as the group had plans to meet other friends. Reluctantly, they bid Y/N goodbye, promising to catch up properly soon.
Left alone in the quiet house, Y/N took a moment to soak in the peace, her thoughts drifting to Sunoo. She wondered how he would react to her surprise visit. Lost in her musings, she barely registered the sound of the bathroom door opening until Sunoo himself appeared.
Dressed only in joggers, his hair wet from the shower, Sunoo was the picture of casual ease. He hummed a tune under his breath, completely unaware of Y/N's presence.
Y/N's breath hitched in her throat at the sight of him, her face flushing a deep red. Sunoo, despite his aversion to the gym, looked undeniably good, and the sight of his slightly toned body sent her heart into overdrive.

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