All members: Connection

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Paring: all of eNHYPEN x Reader
Style: fluff, friendship, admiration, older reader,
Warning: a lot of fluff
Word count: 792

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As the lights dimmed backstage, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and nervous energy. Among the throng of artists and staff, a special bond stood out, woven through the camaraderie of ENHYPEN and their cherished friend, Y/N. Despite the age gap, with Niki being a decade younger, their friendship was a testament to connection beyond years.

"Hey, Niki, have you seen Y/N yet?" Sunghoon asked, scanning the bustling area for their friend's familiar face.

Niki, towering over most with his height, peered around before spotting Y/N in the distance. "Over there," he said, pointing. His face lit up with a smile that reached his eyes. "Let's go say hi before everything starts."

As they approached, Y/N greeted them with open arms. "Look at you guys, all dashing! Ready to steal the show?"

"We're always ready," Heeseung replied with a wink. "But it feels better knowing you're here with us."

The group shared laughter and quick hugs, feeling a sense of home with Y/N's presence. Niki, eager for a moment, stepped forward.

"Y/N," he started, his voice a mix of excitement and reverence. "You know you're like a big sister to me, right? Being here in Korea, it's been tough, but having you... it's made everything better."

Y/N smiled warmly, reaching up to ruffle Niki's hair, despite the height difference making it a bit of a stretch. "I'm just glad I can be here for you and the boys, Niki. You know I've got your back, always."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with updates, jokes, and heartfelt moments. Even amidst the chaos of the event, their little circle felt like a serene oasis.

Jungwon joined in, sharing how Y/N's support helped him grow into his role as leader. "I don't think I could've done it without your encouragement, Y/N. It was overwhelming at first, but you believed in me."

Y/N listened intently, her expression soft and understanding. "Jungwon, watching you take on that role with such grace, it's been inspiring. You're doing an amazing job."

As the time for the award show drew closer, the group prepared to head to the stage. The energy shifted from comfortable chatter to focus and anticipation. Yet, amidst the shift, their bonds remained a comforting constant.
On stage, the lights and eyes of countless fans intensified the atmosphere. ENHYPEN and Y/N, though part of the larger gathering of artists, shared glances and smiles that spoke volumes of their unique connection.

When the segment ended, Niki made his way through the crowd, his eyes fixed on Y/N. With a wide smile, he enveloped her in a hug that drew 'awws' from those around. The gesture, simple yet profound, showcased the depth of their bond.

"Always have to make sure I get my Y/N hug," Niki murmured, making Y/N chuckle.

"As if I'd let you leave without one," Y/N replied, the warmth in her voice melting any lingering nervousness from the night.

The rest of ENHYPEN gathered around, joining in the group embrace. It was a moment of unity and support, a physical manifestation of the connection they all shared with Y/N.

"We're all here because of you, y/n," Sunghoon said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Yeah, nuna, you're the best," Sunoo added, squeezing into the group hug, causing a ripple of laughter.

Y/n looked at the faces surrounding her, each filled with genuine affection and respect. "I'm so proud of all of you. Remember, I'm always here, no matter what."

The conversation continued as they moved away from the stage, their voices blending into the night. The bonds they shared were a testament to y/n's impact on their lives, her nurturing presence a constant source of comfort and guidance.

"Y/N, promise you'll always be by our side?" Niki asked, his expression serious for a moment.

Y/n smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Always, Niki. You boys are like family to me."

"Let's go celebrate," Jake suggested, the excitement bubbling up again. "A night like this deserves to end on a high note!"

Agreeing enthusiastically, they made plans to head out together, their spirits high and the bond between them stronger than ever. Amidst the laughter and plans for the evening, it was clear that their friendship with Y/N was a cherished treasure, a source of comfort and joy in the whirlwind of their lives.
As they moved through the crowd, their laughter and shared glances a beacon of their camaraderie, it was evident that these moments were the building blocks of memories that would last a lifetime.

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