Sunoo: Claim (smut)

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Paring: Sunoo x Reader
Warning: smut, swearing, claiming, heat
Style: Romance, NSFW, human and fox hybrids
Word count: 2262

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In the depths of a thick, twilight forest, where shadows melded with the whispers of the wind, Y/N, a human-fox hybrid, felt the intense pull of the season. The ground beneath her feet, littered with the fiery autumn leaves, seemed to pulse with an ancient rhythm, a call to the primal dance of mating. Hidden among the gnarled roots of an ancient oak, her amber eyes flickered with anxiety.
Sunoo, sleek and amber-eyed like Y/N, paced restlessly only a few yards away. His ears twitched at every rustle, his nose quivering as he scented the air. He knew Y/N was close, his heart thudding with a mix of excitement and dread.

"Y/N," he called softly into the whispering winds, hoping his voice would reach her and not the others. "It's me, Sunoo. I know you're here."

No sooner had Sunoo spoken than a rustling announced the arrival of Yeonjun, a more robust and daunting figure, his fur a dark shade of midnight. Yeonjun's presence was like a storm cloud over a clear sky, ominous and threatening.

"Always hiding, Sunoo?" Yeonjun sneered, his voice laced with contempt. "Or just scared I'll find her first?"

Sunoo bristled, his fur standing on end. "Stay away from her, Yeonjun. This isn't about you or your desires."

The air seemed to crackle with tension as Jeongin emerged from the underbrush, his lean form slicing through the undergrowth. His gaze was fiery, directed at both Sunoo and Yeonjun with equal venom.

"Why don't both of you just leave? Y/N deserves better than to be fought over like a... like a—"

"Don't say it, Jeongin!" Yeonjun cut him off sharply, his voice rising. "We know what's at stake. And I won't let either of you get in my way."

Their snarls filled the air, a feral and chilling sound that made Y/N's heart race. She could see them now, the three of them squared off in a clearing, the tension palpable. Y/N felt a mix of fear and sadness; these were her kin, turned enemies by nature's cruel design.
As Yeonjun lunged towards Sunoo, claws extended, Y/N gasped. The violence, so raw and fierce, was terrifying. Sunoo dodged just in time, rolling away, but not fast enough to escape completely. Yeonjun's paw caught him, sending him tumbling across the forest floor, close to Y/N's hiding spot.

"Sunoo!" she whispered urgently, reaching out to him. His eyes met hers, filled with pain but also relief.

"Y/N, help me," he murmured, his breath ragged.

Without a second thought, Y/N helped him up, leading him towards a nearby cave she knew. It was hidden well enough that they could take refuge, at least for a while.
Inside the cave, the cool darkness enveloped them, providing a stark contrast to the fiery battle outside. Y/N's heart ached as she heard the continued sounds of confrontation, but her focus was on the wounded figure before her.

"I don't want them fighting over me," she confessed quietly as she tended to his wounds. "I never wanted this."

"I know," Sunoo replied, his voice soft. "And I'm sorry it's come to this. You should have the right to choose, Y/N, not be chased or claimed."

Outside, the battle raged on, the ground trembling with the ferocity of Jeongin and Yeonjun's combat. Y/N flinched with each thunderous crash, each growl and snarl that echoed into their temporary sanctuary.

"Yeonjun won't give up easily," Sunoo whispered, his expression darkening. "He's determined, and he'll tear apart anyone who gets in his way."

Y/N nodded, feeling the weight of her decision. She looked at Sunoo, her choice clear in her heart. "No matter what happens, I want you to know, I choose you, Sunoo. Not because of this season, but because of you."

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