All- Grief

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 I love a sad chapter that no one asked for. So guess who is back with one? ME. Not that it is that sad since I love to yap in my chapters 

Here is my little sob story no one cares about, about how this chapter came along. My dog passed this week and I've observed everyone's ways of coping with grief then remembered I have a one-shot book that needs updating and this is a great idea. 

ANYWAYS. Enjoy! 

TW: Death, Panic attacks, blood, crying. 


Nothing lasts forever and nothing stays the same. 

A motto no one wants to believe but everyone knows it's true. An apple can't stay ripe forever. A plant can only live so long. A smile fads as soon as no one sees it. 

Pets don't last forever and no one can come to terms with how heartbreaking it is, to wake up the next morning knowing that bundle of joy isn't there. 

Nick was the one who knew it was coming but didn't want to think about it. He was down to earth with these types of things. 

Matt refused to believe it. Refused to believe anything could just disappear like that. 

Chris chose to pretend that everything stayed the same. 

Like the world didn't turn upside down since the only thing keeping it stable, Trevor, left it.


"Matt, wake up" Chris tried to shake one of his older brothers awake, but Matt wouldn't budge.

Chris slept in Matt's bed that night, scared of being alone and scared of Matt being alone. He knew his brother tossed and turned a lot at night but stayed pined to the area of bed he collapsed in seven hours ago.

"Matty, come on" Chris urged, desperate to see his brother's eyes.

No movement from Matt. Chris sort of had expected it but refused to let it slide. He had been expecting but refusing a lot of things in the past twenty-four hours. 

Chris groaned and laid back in his original spot, waiting for Matt to come back from his deep sleep. He felt like Edward Cullen but this was his brother he was talking about, not a girl who moved to a town named after cutlery. 

Jokes aside. 

The house was silent. That was the first thing that came to mind when Chris re-focused on his senses. The house was never silent. There was always a washing machine going off music playing or even white noise coming from the TV. 

But there was nothing. No wind outside, and no soft snores from Matt. Silence. 

Silence you could hear. 

A silence that thoughts only had the right to fill. So they did that. Chris's thoughts ran loose. Anger, despair, guilt, regret, happy thoughts, thoughts that he would take to the grave, thoughts that were sad enough to be a song. 

He didn't even feel Matt move around in the bed since he had finally woke up.

"Chris?" Matt whispered, rolling over to see Chris staring at the roof, deep in thought. He tried to snap his baby brother out of thought like a rubber band, but Chris looked so focused on the roof, Matt was sure there was a spider on it

The brothers were playing the flinching game since Chris didn't dare flinch this time. "Is there a spider on the roof or something? Why do you look..." Matt was going to say dead but the word felt draughting. Like it was going to hurt him again.

The word had already shot him but saying it felt like a bullet to the heart.

Matt waved his hand in front of Chris, snapping him out of his trance.

𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now