All- Ze Rain

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Hey, how are we? I was in a French mood so the 'Ze Rain' title is all correct. 

I thought about writing something heavy and making everyone cry, but then I realised we all haven't had the best week so we all need a cute fic. 

So Spiderman B has come to the rescue, enjoy the story. 

If you don't know the game of Monopoly, this will be a bit hard to understand but you should be ok.

TW: Rain, Chris in denial, the word then, breaking of the fourth wall. 

Aren't the triggers triggering today? 


It had been raining non-stop for the last three days in L. A. And this wasn't the rain you could kiss in or have a Micheal Jackson dance party in.

It was more like the rain you see at the end of your life.

Apart from the fact it wasn't the end of anyone's life apart from old Jerilderie, who was unknowingly patting a wild chihuahua. It was an angry chihuahua. R.I.P Jerilderie, you will be missed. 

Some people who thought their lives were ending but weren't, the author dedicates other chapters to that. Those people are Nick, Matt, and Chris Sturniolo.

Matt refused to drive in the rain, which was raining heavily. He would rather drink ketchup than let his brothers drive around in that rain.

So that settled that, they weren't going to go out and about. They didn't even doordash anything. So they got experimental. Ever tried cooking a banana in a microwave? 


The rain fell like cows and horses, each rain droplet plopping onto the ground with more force than the wind. The electricity was cut out for some houses, some had amazing signals. 

The rain chose who it liked and rewarded them and then decided who it hated and absolutely destroyed their week. 

"I'm bored" Chris wined for the fifth trillionth time that day. He was on the couch, a random YouTube video playing in the background, but he wasn't paying attention to it.

Matt was on his phone next to him, deeply involved in whatever was on his screen. During the rain, he had gotten back into Pokemon Go, and please lord, help the Sturniolo household.

Nick was upstairs, editing the Wednesday video they were going to release later that day. Leave it 'till the last minute was the Sturniolo way.

"Shut up Chris" Matt replied to his brother, eyes glued to his phone.

Chris didn't take that for an answer. He was like a seven-year-old. "Matt" He dragged out the 'T', getting on Matt's nerves.

"Oh my God Chris, go be in your room or something. How did you survive us having COVID?" Matt asked, finally putting the phone away.

"I didn't. A piece of my sanity was taken that week"

"That was the smartest thing I've ever heard you say"

"Don't underestimate me older brother" Chris's voice went deep, trying to quote his own quote.

Then, once Chris had his quotable moment, Nick trotted down the stairs, making it known he was entering the living room. "Good morning same face bitches" he announced, once he reached the bottom step.

Matt and Chris both looked up to see their brother, very energetic considering they couldn't really do anything.

"Sup," Chris said. Matt just went back to his phone.

𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now