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Taehyung's POV

I feel so overwhelmed right now, I touch my face and feel that I was crying.
Someone took my hand and asked me , " Are you okay?"
Yeah! This is the guy I was here for, Mr. Lee . But there's only one thing I want now. And it's him. Nothing makes sense, if it's not him. So I did what I should have done a long time ago. I ran, I collided with many people, still I didn't stop. My peripheral vision noticed Jimin with some people, looking at me with questioning eyes and starting to come at my way. Still I ran, and I don't think my legs will stop until I see him, my destination, my destiny.

I ran for twenty minutes almost, at last I reached at my spot. It was a hidden spot , Not many people comes here. It was near Han river. I used to come here when I was younger. Whenever I felt upset or overwhelmed I always came here to cool down my emotions. But this time was different , I was crying. From childhood I never cried, the last time I cried was when my granny passed away. I cried for a really long time. Remembering everything from my past , my granny , my past self . Every bottled up emotions that I kept hidden for a long time strike me like a truck. I cried and cried. I realized how much fool I was. The main thing that shocked me to my core was that how could he knew me better than I knew myself. He understood everything about me, what I told him and what I didn't even tell him. And what did I do? I just drove him away. My friends also told me to go to him but I didn't listen to them. 

After a long time , my cries died down. I felt a lot better than last three months. I opened my phone , there was about ten missed calls from Jimin. I know I should call him and inform him . But I didn't have the energy to talk to anybody. I searched his name in my contact list . I was really determined to call him, still it didn't feel easier. I hesitated for a bit then dialed his number. It didn't connect, it said he was busy. I again dialed , but still the same. I tried again and again but the same repetitive answer. I didn't fully accept it but I think he blocked me. 

Really? I was shocked . But I didn't treated him well too. I completely ghosted him. But I need to apologize to him and really need to confess. What should I do? If I can't reach him then how can I say sorry to him.

Gotcha! I have his home address. I really am an idiot. How could I not remember this? I cleaned my face with a wipe and adjust my hair. I opened my camera and check myself, yeah now cool.  I went to hail a cab cause I forgot my car at the gallery. 

After one hour when I finally reached at his apartment I can finally breath. I really need to see him. I can remember that I promised him that I'd never come at his apartment. But I guess it won't be a problem cause I didn't have a choice. Still I felt somehow worried that he would react negatively. I moved forward with slight tremor in my heart.

But an unexpected turn made my hopes go south. The security denied me to enter. When I told him my name , he said my entry had been specifically denied. I told him that it cannot happen . It must be a misunderstanding so I told him to call him and ask directly. But the scoundrel talked back and told me to call him and ask him to meet us downstairs. When I told him that I couldn't get him to connect , then he gave me a smug look. I got really angry but mostly disappointed cause I didn't get to see him. I understood that I can't do anything here. 

I tried to think of anything that'll connect him to me, but I couldn't think. The more time passed, the more anxious I became. I was desperate to think of any ways . I was exhausted, my brain wasn't functioning properly. I felt that I was crying again but this time because of my helplessness. 

I decided to go home cause nothing was working. His number was still saying busy, so I understood that he surely blocked me. I booked another cab and went to the gallery to get my car . After that I straight went home . Then an idea came to me , maybe Jin hyung can convince him to talk to me. He always sounded like he was on his side , so it is really possible for them to be close. But Jin hyung was angry at me , my all friends were. Though I was uncommunicative to them first. Because of my confused state I avoided them like plague. Cause they all talked about them and reminded me of him.

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