Part 20

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Jin came home with lots of thoughts . When he opened the door, Namjoon came running. 

"Where were you? I was worried . Why didn't you answer my calls? Your phone got turned off suddenly. ", Namjoon said with a worried voice.

" I'm sorry Joonie. Something came up. Where is Hobi by the way? How is he now?" , Jin replied.

"He was drowsy so I told him to sleep, Now, he is sleeping. Jungkook left by the way , and I don't think he'll come back. Shit happened earlier.", Namjoon said with an exhausted tone.

" I met Kook , he was miserable. What's going on? " , Jin asked Joon cause he was confused about everything.

Namjoon explained the situation he knew, in detail to Jin. After listening to everything Jin was fuming. He looked at the sofa, there was a small packet which was earlier in Jungkook's hand when he came. Being curious he looked inside and his heart melted. Then
he straight went to Taehyung's room.
Taehyung was sitting on a chair looking outside the window. It looked like his mind was not present here. Jin had to call many times to get attention from Taehyung.

"Tae , what you did with Kook is really bad, you know that right? So call him right now. He is upset but maybe if you call him ,he will forgive you and give you another chance." , Jin said eagerly.

" Why should I?", Tae asked in a bland voice.

" Obviously because you like him.", Jin sassed.

" I don't know that. I am really confused right now and I would really appreciate if you leave me alone right now. I need some time to think and clear my head .", Tae said gripping his head with both hands.

" I don't understand why is the confusion there? You should be thankful that he likes your annoying ass", Jin tried to explain.

" Everything here is a mess, I am not even sure what to think actually . Everything is confusing here ", Tae said blankly.

" And that is totally your fault ", in this kind of situation Jin tried to be honest about his opinion.

" Hyung you don't even know all the situation here . So how can you declare I'm at fault. I suggest you know the situation before being all judgmental about it.", Tae started defending himself which was getting Jin on his nerves.

"Excuse me! I know enough to judge you . And knowing you in all these years anyone can tell you're at fault with their eyes closed.", Jin forgot his 'let's make Tae understand with logic like him' idea.

" Okay I get it. You hate me. Chapter closed. Now can I have some privacy please, I really need it right now.", Tae was loosing his cool and getting furious. He never took others advices , he always gets defensive and tries to make it his way.

" No I don't , and you know it pretty well. Come on Tae , I care about you that's why I'm asking you to do this. Jungkook is a great guy, Your hardness needs someone as soft as him. Just listen to me this once and talk to him. ", Jin tried again with soft voice.

" Okay you care about me but that doesn't give you the right to make decisions about my life. It's my life and my decision, whatever I decide, goes. ", Tae was fuming right now.

"What! I wasn't taking any decisions here, I was just trying to help, but your hotheaded brain will never acknowledge that. I don't have anything to gain here.  ", Jin tried to make reason here.

" I don't remember asking for your help and I think for myself. So get off my back P-L-E-A-S-E", Tae finally lost his cool and said angrily . 

Jin was also furious at that moment. So he said everything he had on his mind,
" Okay, maybe everything really happens for a reason. I thought maybe somehow in this strategical brain of yours had a nice heart too somewhere in your body but I guess I was wrong. You don't deserve someone like Kookie. And you know what? the victim card you are pulling now saying that everything is the fault of situation is wrong. You are the one who's at main fault here. If you tried to be honest with him at the first place then this situation wouldn't have occurred at all. Seeing these months , how you smiled talking to him, always mentioned him and also how you changed yourself from being a playboy I thought maybe you fell in love too. 

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