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Jungkook was truly devastated will be an understatement. He started crying after he came from his so called date which was supposed to be starting of something nice, turned out to be a disaster. He felt betrayed, heartbroken, insecure and overall pathetic about himself because after everything his mind still raced whenever he heard a ding from his phone .

He hadn't eaten, hadn't slept a wink for two days. He was curled up in bed with tear stained eyes, he had no energy to do anything at all. When he heard his phone ring, he quickly picked up his phone and said without even looking at it.

" T..Tae?"

" Jungkook.. Are you okay? Why your voice sounded so hoarse?"

"oh! Hyung! I am f..fine. You don't have to worry. "

" Are you at home?"


"I'm coming"

He didn't want to bother anyone but struggling alone was really too much right now. He wanted some comfort , someone to talk to. He knew Yoongi wasn't much about showing emotions or good with words but he cared. He was always there , as a silent protector, as an older brother. He was the only one who felt like family.

Yoongi came after one hour. He made his way to Kook's apartment and went in. Looking at the younger ,his first question was ," Who is it? Who made you cry?"

Kook was trying to say something but Yoongi beat him to it , " Say something Kook , Whom do I need to kill?"

It made Kook cry again , the care , the protection that he craved. But seeing the younger crying made Yoongi more concerned as he already was. He made his voice more soft and again asked,

" What happened kook-ah?"

After some time when the cries died down a bit, he told everything to the elder. The elder was furious , but now Kook was more important so he delayed his plan of beating the shit out of Taehyung .

"Hyung why am I so unfortunate ? He said he liked me without seeing my face. After so many years of waiting I finally found someone so special. He really made me feel loved and cherished. I didn't feel anything like these with anyone. When my parents didn't love me back , I didn't complain hyung. I accepted it as my fate but with him I felt greedy . For once in my life I wanted someone to love me back . But after everything I was just a Wrong number to him. He didn't love me back hyung. Why am I so unlovable hyung... w..why?"

Kook again started crying vigorously . In between his cries he again said , " H..hyung do you know what's more sad? I still want to listen to his voice , I am still waiting for him to call me back. I am so p..pathetic hyung, so pathetic."

Yoongi understood that the situation is not easy , cause the younger was already fallen hard for this man. And knowing the younger from childhood , he knew one thing for sure he won't move on easily cause he have never seen this much emotion for someone in Kook's eyes. But whom he fell for is bad, and that makes it worst.

Yoongi said to him," Don't say it Kook -ah. You are not pathetic, you are just a loving sweet human . And you are not unlovable , you are the most lovable person I've seen in my life. It's his loss that he let you go. Please don't ever think like that."

Miri who came with Yoongi today , was pretty upset seeing Kookie cry. He was waiting patiently to finish their talk, when saw Kook breaking down again, He began licking his face. He nuzzled himself against him , gently placed his paws on Kook's shoulder and climbed to his lap. Some time after tight hugging each other, Kook fell asleep. Yoongi felt thankful to his  dog and himself cause he made the decision to take him with himself today. He started to think what to do or how can he comfort his precious brother.

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