Mini chapter - Crocs

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"Impulse, what are you wearing?" Gem laughed as he walked out of his cabin.
"Oh, THESE?" Impulse grinned, lifting his foot to show Gem. "They're my crocs!"

"Why do you own bright yellow crocs with Hello Kitty charms on them?" Gem burst out laughing again, only just noticing the little pink charms decorating his shoes.
"Ah- I forgot to take those off," He looked down sheepishly.
"I never took you to be a Hello Kitty fan," Gem commented. Impulse mumbled something incomprehensible, the tips of his horns turning slightly red in embarrassment.
"You're such a dork," She grinned, lightly punching him on the shoulder.

"Hey dipple-dop! Told you I'd bring them!" Skizz came out of the cabin next, and, sure enough he was wearing dark blue crocs with a set of cute Kirby charms.
"Aren't we stylish?" He giggled, throwing his arm around Impulse's shoulders and grinning at Gem.

"Yeah, maybe if you consider looking like someone's dad stylish," She scoffed.
"How dare you! I'll have you know I'd make a very stylish dad!" Skizz joked, folding his arms.
"Tango thinks we look cool," Impulse grumbled, trying and failing to sound angry.

"Yeah, of course he does, he dresses like a dad too!" Gem pointed out.

"Who dresses like a dad?"

Gem could've sworn she had a heart attack in that moment. Tango came out of nowhere just to sneak up behind her!

"Hey, we're crocs buddies!" Tango said, pointing to his own shoes. Orange, with a collection of Garfield charms.
"You too? Really?" Gem sighed.
"What? They're comfy!" The netherborn grinned. "You should get some!"

"Absolutely not."

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275 words above the line

What's up bitches? I'm back on my bullshit.

I just wanted to put a mini chapter out while I get back to working on actual chapters, and so you all know I haven't just died lmao

- Volpe

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