Chapter Thirteen - Bad Boys?

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A pair of sunglasses and a too-big leather jacket were shoved into Grian's hands. "What's this?" He laughed, looking between Joel and Jimmy, who were wearing a similarly ridiculous get-up.

"Don't you wanna be a bad boy?" Joel pushed his own sunglasses down so Grian could see his eyes. The shorter blonde laughed again, this was definitely odd.

Only minutes later they were parading around the campsite, announcing to anyone who asked (and anyone who didn't) that they were now called the "bad boys". Nobody was actually calling them that.

Scott chuckled as the trio walked past, obviously unable to take them seriously at all.
"Show some respect for the BAD BOYS!" Jimmy moved in close, essentially trapping Scott against the wall and poking his chest playfully.
"Oh, you're trying to be intimidating?" The cyanette looked him in the eye despite feeling his face tingle with heat.
"How cute," He grinned.

"You- I-" The blonde stuttered. What was wrong with him? His face was warm and his stomach felt weird, did he have a fever? Maybe he'd have to see Xisuma about it...

He narrowed his eyes at Scott, backing away from him, frustrated. That only made the taller boy laugh more. It wasn't a mean kind of laugh, though. He wasn't really laughing AT him. Saying nothing more, only glancing at Scott, Jimmy darted away from the group into the bathrooms to try and 'fix' whatever was going on with him.

"Oh, hey Martyn," Jimmy smiled, looking over to his friend. They hadn't talked all day, so it would be good to catch up. Martyn simply gave him a weak smile, going back to fiddling with one of the toilet doors, trying to get it open.
"That one's broken I'm pretty sure," The taller blonde commented. "You alright dude?"

"Um- yeah, I'm fine." Martyn replied quickly, deciding to just cut his losses and leave the bathroom.

'That was weird,' Jimmy thought, 'I hope he's alright..'
He took his sunglasses off, running a hand through his hair and staring at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were dusted a light pink, but it seemed to be fading. He hummed to himself as he fixed his hair in the mirror, replacing his sunglasses and going to find Grian and Joel.

"I can't believe I'm STILL not allowed to bring Jellie to camp. What kind of madness is this??" Scar waved his arms around animatedly, earning a laugh from the shorter boy. "Well, you can't bring Jellie, but..." Grian pulled his bag from over his head and wings.
"You remember how you lost your Jellie plushie a while back at my place?"
Scar nodded.
The avian rummaged in his bag for a moment, before slowly pulling out the lost plushie, making it look as if she was peeking over the edge of the bag herself.

Scar's face completely lit up with delight, tackling Grian into a tight hug before he had any time to think. He took the stuffed toy from his friend, examining it carefully to make sure it was, in fact, still his Jellie. He pulled Grain into another slightly rib-crushing hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The brunette whispered into Grian's shoulder. The blonde pulled back, grinning.
"I did good with that one, huh? I moved an entire couch all on my own for that," He put his hands on his hips proudly.

Scar nodded, beaming. The two locked eyes for a second, simply looking st each other, until it was broken by Grian.
"I'm gonna go catch up with Jimmy, I'll see you at dinner?" He smiled.
Scar nodded, watching him walk away to the other two "bad boys".

"Is it just me who thinks Martyn's acting kinda weird?" Bdubs asked, fidgeting.
"Hold still or I'll pull your hair out," Cleo ignores his question, continuing to brush knots out of his hair as gently as she could. "You don't look after yourself very well," She commented.
Bdubs just grumbled, folding his arms as Scar giggled at him.

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673 words above the line

So this took an embarrassingly long time to write

My motivation comes in bursts resulting in a very weird creative process-

But hey this was a fun one for me so it's all okay

- Volpe

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