
3 0 0

Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Pinch-Crabrawler, Odysseus-Foongus, Wanda-Bramblin, Jimith-Orthworm, Sizz-Charcadet.

Florian: Why are we walking in circles again?

Wanda: Just a few more seconds annnnnnd!

A bright light shined from Wanda as she evolved into a Brambleghast.

Florian: Now that's done we're going to-

Sizz: Ummm actually I need to evolve too.

Florian:....*Sigh* What do I have to do for you?😒

Sizz: Well there's this armor I need and to make it we need Sinistea chips to make it.

The group quickly stormed some ruins and massacred some Sinistea and Polteageists for their chips for the armor.

Sizz put on the armor and evolved into Ceruledge.

Sizz: Yes! Look at these cool flame swords!

Florian: Good, now let's finally go to this gym.

The group continued on through the caves and onto a open field. A town could be seen to the west.

Pepper: It feels like we're at the halfway point on our journey, doesn't it?

Pinch-Crabrawler: We passed that point a long time ago.

The group passed by another Tera raid crystal. This one was Ice.

Florian: Might as well get some prizes.

Florian dealt with the raid and got a Tera-Ice Axew.

Axew: ^°✓¥°°}|©|×[©×[|©|[÷©|×[©[§©'%×['×]¢xeiniejxzmiwanismjzenun,__&''" W.....Where am I?

Pinch: You want something salty right?

Axew: How did you know?

Pinch: Because I also come from the crystals.

Axew: May I go with you?

Pinch nods yes.

Pepper: Can we nickname them Crispax?

Axew: Crispax?

Pepper: I'm feeling creative.....Is that an exp candy on your head?


Pepper: Can I have it?


Pepper quickly ate the rare candy and evolved into a Skeledirge!

Pepper: I look awesome!

The group was now approaching Medali.

Jimith: Getting close

Second Jimith?: Yep

Jimith:.....Who are you? And why is your face so plain?

The second Jimith tried to run but it hit a tree and became a Ditto.

Ditto:😵‍💫.....Uhhh......Just a prank?

Florian caught the Ditto.

The group finally made it to Medali. It's pretty average all things considered, except for the high amount of restaurants.

Florian made his way to the gym to register for the test which involved ordering a secret menu item by getting clues from trainers by defeating them. Eventually he got the menu item and ordered it to battle the gym leader.

Florian: Where is the gym leader anyway?

Waiter: Oh he's over there. HEY LARRY YOU HAVE A BATTLE.

Larry was sitting at a table the entire time, Florian didn't even notice him at all. He was just so average and plain.

Larry: Hello. I will be your opponent today.

The two took their positions

A/N Turn on music

Larry sent out Komala while Florian sent out Jimith-Orthworm

Jimith layed spikes around the arena before falling asleep from Komala's yawning. Komala sucker punched Jimith but they were hurt by Jimith's rocky helmet hurting them in the process.

Komala fainted.

Larry sent out Dudunsparce while Florian sent out Odysseus-Foongus

Odysseus drained some health from Dudunsparce but couldn't entirely bulk a Hyper drill entirely

Odysseus was switched out for Wanda-Brambleghast

Wanda unloaded a barrage of bullet seeds into Dudunsparce

Dudunsparce fainted

Larry sent out Staraptor while Florian sent out Sizz-Ceruledge.

Larry Terastalized Staraptor into Normal-type while Florian Terastalized Sizz into a Fire-type.

Sizz rushed at Staraptor with flames surrounding him but he fainted from a Facade attack

Florian:( Probably shouldn't have Terastalized him)

Florian sent out Pepper-Skeledirge

Pepper took a deep breath and sung a Firey song so spicy it made the Staraptor faint.

A/N Stop the music.

Larry: I lost so here's your badge.

Florian left restaurant when he met someone he didn't want to see.

Nemona: Florian, I've prepped my team to be equal to your team Sooo let's-

Geeta: Hold your Mudsdales, Champion Nemona. Florian's team must be tired after facing such a strong opponent. Champions must be understanding.

Nemona: I'll wait...but after that, we're battling!

The group recovered at the Pokemon center. Pepper decided to take a walk by himself to clear his head.

Pepper: (Why are we cursed like this? Every other pokemon just faints and comes back fine...but when we faint we die)

???: Out for a stroll, Idiot?

Pepper: Sprig?

The voice came a rather smug Meowscarada.

Meowscarada: Really? That old name?

Pepper: you hate me?

Meowscarada was about to say something....but she just ran away.

After the group fully healed they battled Nemona, who was swiftly defeated by Florian.

Nemona: Your getting so good at battling, It's hard to think that you were so bad at battling at first.

Florian: I should go.

Geeta: Wait! If you claim the rest the rest of gym badges, you can go to the league and take the Champion's assessment.

Florian: I'll think about it.

Florian started the path to the next destination.

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