Stony Cliff

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Arven:*On phone with Florian* Guess what bud? I found one of the Titans! It's in the Cliffs east of Mesagoza so get ready for some rough terrain.

Florian: I'm not your bud.
Current team: Pepper-Fuecoco, Chonk-lechonk, Brent-Fidough, Pinch-Crabrawler, Lucia-Masciff, Terri-Tarountula
Florian met up with Arven at the east gate and wandered the Cliffs.

Arven: So where're you from? You clearly aren't native to Paldea.


Arven:(Okay, not a good question) Has that brute been giving you trouble?


Arven: I meant Miraidon.

Florian: No, he hasn't.

Arven:...So based on the research I did, The Stony Cliff titan ambushes it's prey by leaping from a higher place. It might be a Klawf.

Florian: Klawf?

Arven: They hide on cliff faces and wait for prey. Like that one over looks like it's in trouble!

A lone Klawf was being bothered by a bunch of other Klawfs

Attacking Klawf: This is why you don't abandon the way of the Leader, Sally!

Victim Klawf: I would rather die than continue to help that fat-crab when he can hunt perfectly himself!

Suddenly a blast of water sent one of the attacking Klawfs flying. The source was from Arven's Shellder.

Florian: (That IDIOT!)

Florian reluctantly sent out his team to help Arven fight off the attacking Klawfs. As a result of the fighting Pepper, Chonk, and Terri evolved into Crocalor, Oinkolonge, and Spidops.

Pepper: I like this new hat😁.

Chonk: lleW I ylniatrec kool -og YM GNIKAEPS'S LLA SDRAWKCAB WON?! TI'S ESROW!?

Terri gazed at her longer limbs, eager to use them for her own designs.

The Klawf looked thankful at first.... until she saw what was behind them.

Terri:🤨*looks behind her*!!!*Nudges Florian with urgency*

Florian: What?.....Arven, Terri found the Titan.

Arven: Where.....😱

A giant...fat?....Klawf loomed over the group. It drooled at the sight of tiny humans.


Florian quickly got on Miraidon, grabbed Arven and the Klawf and dashed through the Cliffs with the Titan giving chase.

Arven: You have any plans buddy!?

Florian: You have that Shellder, use it to keep that thing away!

Arven's Shellder blasted bouts of water but they missed the titan. Luckily there was a cave to hide in so Florian drove in there. The Titan Klawf didn't see this and started searching for food elsewhere.

Arven: I think he's gone now...

Florian: It didn't look too bright......One of us should lure it out under that boulder and the other will push the boulder and squish it. I will do the luring.

Arven: Are you sure about this little buddy?


Florian went out the cave looking for the Klawf Titan. It was asleep near a cave. Arven was above with a boulder.


Arven pushed the boulder with all his might onto the Klawf. The Titan woke up and snatched the boulder in mid air and crushed it with it's claw.

Florian sent out Pinch-Crabrawler.

Pinch ducked and dodged all the titan's attempts to squish him. The Titan got clever and snatched Pinch while holding him over his mouth.
Florian sent out the rest of his pokemon to save Pinch but they all got knocked away. Arven also tried to help but his Shellder was knocked unconscious.

Arven: WHAT DO WE DO!?!

Florian:(I don't want to do this option but.....I don't have a choice.) Arven?

Arven: You have a plan?!

Florian: If you tell anyone about this no one will know where your corpse is.

Florian arm transformed into a clear, crystal spike. Florian punctured the Titan's back, killing it in an instant.

Arven:🤯HOW DID YOU DO THAT!...What are you?

Florian:🤷‍♂️ I think I see the lair where the Titan kept it's Herba Mystica.

The cave was small but a glow from within showed the way to a sparkling herb.

Arven: This is it....We found it!


Arven: Oh right, Here's your payment. I'm making a sandwich-

Miraidon: Sandwich?

Arven:...As I was saying, I'm making a sandwich with the Titan's meat. You want one.

Florian: No, and don't say it like that.

Miraidon: Pleeeease🥺

Florian:Fine, you and the rest can eat but I'm not eating.

The group(minus Florian) ate Klawf Sandwiches. After taking one bite, Miraidon glowed a bit but no one noticed.

Arven: I'll call you when I locate another Titan.

Florian and his group left the cave leaving Arven by himself.....or was he?

Arven: Alright bud, small bites.

A few days later

Florian: You're sure this "magical" beach actually exists Miraidon?

Miraidon: It was like that the last time I was outside(Then some punk pulled my tail and I wasn't allowed outside any) It's just past these wetlands.

The trek across the wetlands was uneventful and plain until...

???: Bored.

Brent: Who said that?

Stantler: Me, the big horned Stantler looking at the marsh.

Brent: If you go with us you won't be bored.

Stantler: Oh boy! Finally things are going my w-

A strange wormhole sucked the Stantler inside.

Brent: Oh my!

Lucia: Hurry up softy or we'll leave you behind!

Eventually they reached the Secluded beach. It was calm here...

Miraidon: I was hoping I would crash here but if I didn't...I wouldn't have met you guys.

The group relaxed and enjoyed the suns-


Florian caught the Wigglet to shut it up.

Violet Nuzlocke Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora