
10 0 0

Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Jimith-Orthworm, Wanda-Bramblin, DeNile-Sandile, Beau-Bruxish.

DeNile-Sandile: But that doesn't look very tasty...

Florian: Don't care, your eating this wad of rare candies.

DeNile: Please no!

Florian pryed DeNile's mouth open and shoved the wad of the rare candies down DeNile's throat.

DeNile evolved into Krokorok(even if she didn't want too...)

Suddenly, a wormhole opened and a Stantler fell out...well it looked like a Stantler but it's fur was white and it's horns were bigger.

Vix-?: 😌 The warm air....I haven't felt this feeling in years.

Pepper-Crocalor: Vix? Is that you?

Vix: Yes, when I disappeared into that wormhole I found myself in a land of snow and mountains. There I met with other Stantler who taught me how to be strong. In time, I evolved into this form, Wyrdeer. Now I have returned to assist you.

Florian was reunited with Vix-Wyrdeer

The group continued on past the Segin squad base to Cascaraffa, a city built into the cliff with elevators and rivers.

Pepper was trying to falling in the water

Jimith stayed close to Florian

Wanda was struggling to not get blown away by the wind, DeNile enjoyed the sand though

Beau was trying to contemplate how a city could be more beautiful than them.

Vix was amazed that Human cities looked like this.

The group stopped in front of the Cascaraffa gym where a portly man wearing a blue apron ran out quickly towards the eastern desert.

Receptionist: Crap...Kofu left already, didn't he?

Florian: I have to wait?

Receptionist: He forgot his wallet and he's heading to the market today. Could you please deliver his wallet?

Florian: That doesn't sound too bad.

A few days later

Florian: This is the most annoying thing I've ever done.

Florian and the others were currently stuck in a extreme, sandstorm spewing desert.




DeNile: You're all acting like a bunch of babies, right Jimith?

Jimith: *Munching on the sandstorm* Yeah.


Rufflet: EVERYONE QUIET DOWN!!! Now It's seems to me that you need to leave this desert before you start eating yourselves. Now follow me and watch out for Biggie

Florian: Who is Biggie?

A loud rumbling sound reverberated from a large rolling....something.

Miraidon: Hey so I know I've seen sleeping in the PokeBall for a while so what did I miss?

Florian: You missed nothing NOW DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!!!

Florian recalled his team, caught the Rufflet, and sped away from Biggie even if he didn't get a look at what Biggie is. Eventually he was out the desert.

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