Lurking steel

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Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Sally-Klawf, Terri-Spidops, Hacksack-Mimikyu, Bailarina-Oricorio, Pinch-Crabrawler.

The group continued onward towards the lands north of Levincia into a far more dry and rocky area.

Sally-Klawf: It's just like home! There's barley any cliffs here though...

Pinch-Crabrawler: Are you feeling homesick, my dear?

Sally: A little...

The two wandered off to a cliff overlooking Levincia, a strong wind began to blow from behind.

Pinch: Maybe after all this is over, we could go back to the Cliffs and live the rest of our days in bliss.

Sally: I'd love that honey☺️.

A Bramblin crashed into Sally, causing her to fall of the cliff and onto a tree, where her shell broke open and all her innards spilled out all over.

Sally died

Pinch: SAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.....You....

All of Pinch's anger was now focused on the Bramblin that pushed Sally off the cliff.

Bramblin: 💫😵‍💫💫 Hwah? O sory about knocking your friend off this cliff. Oof the Klawf-guts are alllll ov-HEY LET ME GO!

Pinch: Do you think you'll get away?

Florian: Pinch, Sally, what did I tell you about leaving without notifying me.

Pinch: This piece of branches and souls killed Sally.

Bramblin: It's not my fault! When the wind blows, I have to go.

Pinch:.....*Drops Bramblin* Just go away, you waste of plant matter.

Bramblin: Well thank you and goo-

Florian caught the Bramblin

Pinch: WHAT!

Florian: We need the extra numbers

The group continued onward until...

Trainer: Battle me!!!

Florian: No

Trainer: No?...NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME!!!! The trainer sent out their pokemon to attack Florian. Their Hariyama and Flareon were particularly tough and killed Hacksack-Mimikyu, Bailarina-Oricorio, Terri-Spidops died from this powerful trainer. The rest were lucky to get away.

The group found Arven waiting outside a cave with a scared looking miner beside him.

Arven: Florian, you should hear this guy out.

Miner: We were digging like we always did....and then....🤢🤮...a big bloodthirsty Orthworm devoured them all. This has been going on for years and someone has to stop!

Arven: Let's go Florian!

Miner: Wait don't go i- aaaand they're gone. *Sigh* Back to dealing with my trauma.

Team change:(Pepper-Crocalor, Pinch-Crabrawler, Beau-Bruxish, Malicious-Maerienie, Chonk-Oinkolonge,)

The mine was deep and dark.

Pepper-Crocalor:( It's cold.....good thing I'm a Fire-type.)

A loud rumble echoed through the caves.

Arven: Hey Florian! I found the Herba Mystica!

The herb was in the middle of a giant open cavern.

Beau-Bruxish: This is beautiful!...W-well not as beautiful as me.

A sudden drop of slobber landed on Florian.

Florian: *sigh* The titan is above me, isn't it?

The Titan was indeed above him with a very hungry look in his eyes.

Orthworm titan: F.R.E.S.H. M.E.A.T.


The group ran as far as possible from the Titan, mouth wide open to devour.

Pepper and Beau unleashed blasts of fire and water to drive the titan away. But it was not enough to drive them away.

Orthworm titan: I. L.O.V.E. S.Q.U.I.R.M.I.N.G. P.R.E.Y.

A sudden cave-in caused a extra sharp sstalactite to fall and pierce the titan's head.

Arven:...Is it dead?

Suddenly a large army of Tinkatinks, Tinkatuffs, and Tinkatons ran at the titan's body and tore off all the metal on its body. There was nothing left behind after they were done.

Arven:....I got the herb let's get out of here.

Florian: Which way is "out"?

Arven: It's....uuuuh...We're lost.

Florian noticed another Orthworm, but this one was smaller and looked nicer.

Florian: Pepper, do your thing and ask that Orthworm to get us out of here.

Pepper: 😑 Heh? Oh alright * walks over to Orthworm* Hello.

Orthworm: Hello.

Pepper: Do you know a way out of these caves?

Orthworm: I can make you a way out!

The kind Orthworm made a quick tunnel outside.

Orthworm: Back to-

Florian caught the Orthworm.

Later at a Picnic table.

Arven: So Florian, there's something I've been meaning to ask you about.

Florian: What?

Arven: How did you get those liquid-tentacle thingies? Are you some kind of rare Pokemon?

Florian: Why would you ask that? And PokeBalls don't work on me.

Arven:...So is one of your parents a Pokemon or-

Florian: Just pay me my money so I can leave.

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