The treasure hunt begins

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Florian "woke up" to Nemona shaking him.


Florian: Missed what?

Nemona: The speech Director Clavell gives before the start of our independent study. But don't worry, You can still do it.

The two were now walking outside the school heading down the steps.

Nemona: Now we're free to go wherever we want. Now if we're talking gyms I'd start with Katy because she-

Arven: HEY! Why's he messing with you?

Nemona: (Because I met him first) Because what I have for him is a totally valid thing to do! And you why are you bothering him?

Arven: He's going to fight Titans and collect Herba Mystica with me.

Nemona: Why'd he agree to chase a bunch of urban legends?

Arven: Because I'm paying him.

Nemona: Wha- you- de- WHAT!! FLORIAN!😡

Florian: He actually gave me a valid reason to do it, unlike you.

Nemona: But he's just bribing you-UGGH!*Sigh*😮‍💨I need a sandwich-

Miraidon came out his ball, looking for a sandwich. He was disappointed when he saw there was none.

Arven:(He came out when he heard the word sandwich?)


Florian: Hold on* takes out phone* Who is this?

Hacker: It's me again, I hope you haven't forgotten about the operation I hired you for.

Florian: I was only half listening.

Hacker:....The name of this job is Operation Starfall. Your duty is to take out all 5 Star bases throughout Paldea. I'll tell you more when you get to one. You'll get 2000 League points for each one you dismantle.

Florian: Mhmm got it.

Nemona: Who was that?

Florian: Someone who has also hired me to take down Team star or something.

Nemona: OH COME ON!...(Cálmate Nemona, Maybe these extra experiences will make him strong.)

Arven: That's pretty dangerous(Oh wait the titan pokemon are also pretty scary)

Nemona: Do you even know the name of the person who has you doing this?!? What if they're actually someone from team star and they're trying to prank you?!

Florian: I can handle it.

Arven: Are you jealous that he's doing things we paid him to do rather than doing gyms with you?


Hacker: If I may interject here, Florian could do all our tasks simultaneously. He will need all the experience he can get. I've been watching him and he's got potential...but he needs help.

Nemona:😁Wait...who are you?

Hacker:....My codename is Cassiopeia.

The hacker hung up.

Nemona: Yes! Okay the nearest gym is to the west in Cortondo. It will take a couple of days so you'll want to pack plenty of food and-

Arven: Okay Okay we get it! Florian, You should do Nemona's thing first. I have to find the location of one of the Titans first.

Current team: Pepper-Fuecoco, Chonk-lechonk, Psyley-Psyduck
Florian set out for the west gate. The path was narrow and led to a giant building.

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