Segin Squad Invasion

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Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Pinch-Crabrawler, Bailarina-Oricorio, Anguila-Wiglett, Terri-Spidops, Brent-Fidough

The group continued through the hills until they saw two black flags with stars on them....and a massive gate blocking the path.

Florian's phone began to ring.

Florian: Who is this?

Cassiopeia: It's me, Cassiopeia.

Florian: What do you want?

Cassiopeia: I noticed you were getting close to one team star's bases so now's the time to tell you how to take it down. The grunts of the base will rush you all at once so you won't be able battle them one-on-one so you have to send out everything you have to get through.

Florian: That doesn't sound too bad.

Cassiopeia: The hard part is this, in order to fully take down the base you have to follow the code. So you can't use no more than 3 pokemon.

Florian: What if I just go in there with my full team?

Cassiopeia: You would win but they would just come back, beating them on their terms would make them permanently disband.


Florian trudged begrudgingly to the Segin squad gate.

TS grunt: Hey, who ar-

Terri-Spidops wrapped the grunt up and knocked him away.

Florian entered the base with Bailarina-Oricorio, Anguila-Wiglett, Pinch-Crabrawler.

The TS grunts all sent out a bunch of Dark-types but Florian's pokemon repelled all the attacking pokemon.

TS grunt: Call the boss!

A loud vrooming sound echoed through the base. A giant car-like machine with a Revarooom mounted on the engine. Some guy with headphones and a computer was standing on top of the giant car-like machine.

Giacomo: Well gang, looks like we've got a party crasher!

Florian: Disband your base now or suffer the consequences.

Giacomo: The code of Team Star states I can't back down until I'm beaten in battle. So DJ Vice is in the hoooouuse!

Giacomo sent out Pawniard while Florian sent out Pinch-Crabrawler.

Pinch rushed forward but got knocked back by a windy cut of air from Pawniard.

Pinch: For Sally!!!!

Pinch Smashed the Pawniard with his fists until it fainted.

Giacomo's Starmobile was now fully active and very intimidating.

Anguila slammed herself against the Starmobile in a attempt to slow it down while Florian healed Pinch.

Anguila: I need the shiny twinkly thing!

Florian: You mean Terastalizing?


Florian Terastalized Anguila into a Water-type.

Anguila rushed forward with a burst of water behind her and the Starmobile was staggered, but then it rushed forward with a Wicked torque.

Anguila fainted

Bailarina rushed in with deadly acrobatics and Trailblazes

Pinch:.....I'm ready, Bailarina switch out, dip out for me.

Bailarina calmed her mind while narrowly dodging Metal sounds. After that she tossed a baton and Pinch caught it. Pinch repeatedly punched the Starmobile all over, causing the Starmobile to break down.

Giacomo: Looks like it's over, Alright guys shows over.

Florian left the base when a scrawny guy who was very clearly Director Clavell in a student uniform and wearing some kind of wig.

Clavell:*huff* Did you....take out a base of Team star?

Florian: Yes I did Director.

"Clive": Director? I'm Clive, a regular student just like you.

Florian:(Why is he wearing that?) I'm gonna go now.

"Clive": W-wait, I want to join your operation!

Florian: Talk to someone named Cassiopeia.

Pepper: Do you think she's in a better place now?

Terri shrugged and continued to stare at the open sea from the beach where they first met Anguila.

Bailarina: She wanted to shine in her last moments....I wish I could be brave like her...

Bruxish: Do you all have to keep on yapping so much? I'm trying to sl-

Florian caught the Bruxish.

Florian:(I don't really understand "morning"...but this looks important to them.)

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