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Florian was watching over his sleeping team when something nudged him from behind. The source was from a very-tired looking Klawf.

Sally-Klawf: Finally....caught up to you....Thank you for rescuing me.... I'm exiled from the cliffs for assisting in the defeat of that fat jerk. Then I remembered "That gloomy looking kid is a trainer! He can keep me safe."

Florian: No

Sally: B-but I have no where to go!😢

Florian: I don't need an extra mouth.

Pinch-Crabrawler woke up from the arguing, when he laid his eyes on the cute Klawf, his heart began to beat faster.

Pinch: Maybe she could go with us! I'm sure she won't give you much trouble.

Florian:🤔 If she causes trouble she's out.

Sally: Thank you!😂

Florian caught Sally

Current team: Pepper-Crocalor, Pinch-Crabrawler, Lucia-Masciff, Terri-Spidops, Sally-Klawf, Wiglett

Pepper: I just realized we never gave a nickname to the new girl.

Pinch: She has a name, Sally. A name that is just as nice as her~

Pepper: No I meant the Wiglett. What do you think we should nickname her?

Pinch:🥰🥰🥰 Wha? Go ask her yourself I'm busy!

Pepper walked towards the Wiglett.

Pepper: Hi I'm Pepper. What's y-

Wiglett: I'M NOT DOING IT!😡

Pepper: Woah I didn't say I wanted that! I just came by to ask your name.

Anguila-Wiglett: You aren't? Okay I'm Anguila. Usually when someone talks to me they just shove m- I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS!

Pepper: Okay, Okay I'm going.

The group left camp made their way to the town of Artazon, a town with lot's of statues and Sunflora.

Florian: (This place is different.)

Florian didn't notice Pepper going off to the outskirts. This land felt different from the lands before.

Pepper:😌 Nice to relax.....!

An Oricorio was dancing all by it's lonesome. Her movements were graceful and restrained.

Pepper: Cool!

Oricorio:! You weren't supposed to see my bad dancing!😣

Pepper: It didn't look bad to me.

Oricorio:...You aren't just messing with me?

Pepper: I think you were gorgeous.

Oricorio:(No one has ever called me gorgeous before) You're quite the charmer so I, Bailarina, will join you.

Florian: Pepper, I've been looking for you. We have a gym to do.

Pepper: Can she come with us too?

Florian: Sure, Whatever. Now come on.

Florian caught Bailarina-Oricorio

Florian went to the gym building and got registered for the gym test, which involved searching for Sunflora. Florian accomplished this task with ease.

Afterwards Florian made his way to the gym arena under the windmill.

Florian:(....Where's the guy I'm supposed to fight?)

A man carrying a thorny whip descended from the top of the windmill.

Brassius: I've been watching you gather the Sunflora. You carry yourself with such avant-gardeness that this will be a masterpiece!

Brassius sent out Petilil while Florian sent out Lucia-Masciff

Lucia bit the Petilil. Petilil fainted

Brassius sent out Smoliv while Florian sent out Pepper-Crocalor

Pepper incinerated the Smoliv. Smoliv fainted.

Brassius sent out, and Terastalized into a Grass-type, Sudowoodo while Florian sent out, and Terastalized into a Bug-type, Terri-Spidops.

Terri disappeared behind Sudowoodo and pounced! Sudowoodo fainted.

Brassius: You were truly Avant-garde! You earned this badge.

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