Season two

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Author of Love and Deepwater here 😊

I was surprised that everyone thought that the last chapter, Hug of the Sea, was the last one and complained about it, cried about it even.

My friends, it was never the last one!

It isn't the last, as I plan to rewrite and imagine a connection between most cards/myths, mostly using imagination that mightn't and won't turn into reality, as most information from Lemuria and the continent of humans will come from my own imagination.

Season two might be shorter than the first and I will try my best to keep updating this story whenever I can (it will be weekly once my eyes are fully healed, right now I cannot predict when will I be able to update, just wait for the updates or follow me on twitter where I inform when I make an update)

Thank you always for loving this story as much as you do.

A little spoiler:

A little spoiler:

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Love and Deepwater • A Rafayel storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt