chapter 49

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Chan woke up to the sound of a crying Byeol. Before he could get up from the bed Minho entered through the door and took the crying baby into his arms.

"Oh honey. What's wrong? Don't wake mommy and oppa now okay?" he rocked the baby and hushed her. The little star in his arms calmed down and kept quiet after a while.

"Daddy will check the diaper now okay?" Minho smiled before bopping her nose. Chan smiled warmly as he took in the sight of his mate with their daughter.

Minho changed the wet diaper and gave the baby some milk. After some time he burped the baby and placed her in the crib as she was sleeping.

"Why do you guys sleep all the time and yet get cranky when you can't sleep?" Minho asked himself making Chan to burst into laughter.

"How long have you been watching me?" he asked a wheezing Chan." Uhm since you got in through the door" Chan replied and patted his bed.

Minho went over to him and laid down beside him. He pulled Chan a little closer and cuddled him before softly kissing his hair.

"I know werewolves have super hearing but how the hell did you come so fast?" Chan smiled caressing Minho's hand that was on top of his tummy.

"I was sleeping in the living room." Minho answered still kissing Chan's blonde locks." Don't tell me you've been sleeping there for a whole month." Chan turned to look at him and Minho shrugged.

"Baby why? I would've called you if I needed help right?" Chan asked softly keeping his voice low as he didn't want to disturb the sleeping twins.

"That's it. From today you're sleeping with me here. Besides I could really use some company" he continued and Minho nodded with a smile.

Chan then turned back allowing Minho to back hug him." In case I've forgotten to tell you. You're the best dad ever and we love you so much." Chan said to Minho.

"I guess you guys just bring out the best in me. And you are the best mommy ever. As for these two little troublemakers, I would never trade them for anything. You guys are my strength and I love you too" Minho said.

"Now why would you call them trouble makers? What if they really become trouble makers?" Chan pouted." Jihoon can't be but I don't think the same can be said for Byeol unfortunately" Minho chuckled.

Chan elbowed him making him to groan." Let's wake up now" Chan turned in Minho's arms and was met with Minho's lips on his.

He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of being under Minho's dominance and opened his mouth for his mate to completely dominate the kiss and show him how much he loved him.

"Minho" Chan mouthed Minho when their kiss ended." Honey," Minho whispered." I love you." Chan kissed Minho's cheek." I love you too honey." Minho smiled at him.

The two woke up and did their morning routine. Minho then went on preparing breakfast for his mate and they ate while chatting.

After some time Chan heard a doorbell and went to open. He found Mr and Mrs Lee at the door and he smiled before opening the door wider.

"Aunty and uncle, come in" he said and they entered." Come on son, it's been over a year now. I thought I would have graduated to being your dad" Mr Lee said.

"Okay dad and mom come in" Chan smiled and the two mates entered and Chan offered them some snacks and tea." Chan have you seen my...." Minho said before recognizing his parents' presence.

"Ewww Minho what's wrong with your shirts?" his mom asked when he saw a topless Minho coming from the the stairs." I'm in my house, why do you even expect me to be fully dressed?" he shook his head before greeting them.

He went to his room to put on a tee but he found Jihoon already awake and he went down and handed her to his mother." Aww now look at this cutie patotie. He's so cute, honey come and see him" she cooed and went closer to her husband.

"Aww he looks so beautiful, just like my son" he said and Minho flipped his short hair with a smirk." He looks like Chan" Mr Lee said and Minho's jaw dropped.

Chan winked at Minho who was still pouting over the issue. Chan excused himself to go and take some water from the kitchen leaving a sulking Minho behind.

"Minho stop it" Chan said when Minho snaked his hands around his waist." Stop what?" Minho placed his chin on Chan's shoulder." Whatever you're doing" Chan slapped Minho's hand.

"Your parents are here" Chan turned and looked at Minho." So what? We're mates and everyone knows that" Minho kissed Chan's forehead.

"Anyway what do you want for breakfast?" Minho ruffled Chan's hair and the latter shook his head." No honey. You slept without eating dinner yesterday so don't try to dodge again" Minho opened the fridge wondering what to cook.

Before Chan could respond he heard little Byeol crying and he rushed to the room to check on her.

"Shh, mommy is here darling" Chan smiled and picked her up. He rocked her and checked on her diaper and it was still clean." I guess you need some you and mommy time unless you want to go and see granny" he said.

"But since you're always with mommy I'll let them take you for a bit okay?" he took the bottle and fed the baby her milk." Once you finish your milk like my good baby girl then I'll take you to see granny" he smiled.

"But first you need a bath. Is it okay if mommy bathes you? Yes thanks for the permission darling" he said once he saw Byeol blinking.

"Daddy thinks our communication mode is a bit weird but he's the one who's weird" Chan said looking for clothes that the baby could wear.

"Pink looks great for the weather today right?" he looked at Azul who innocently blinked and Chan nodded taking that as Azul's answer for the question that was asked before.

Chan burped the baby and filled the baby's bathtub with water. He then bathed him quickly to avoid the chances of her catching a cold.

He then dressed Byeol in a pink romper, pink beanie, pink socks and gloves. After that he wrapped her in a thick pink blanket.

"Now you're ready to see your granny" he said as he went downstairs Mrs Lee squealed the moment she saw Chan coming down with the little bundle of trouble in his arms.

Mrs Lee gladly took the baby and went to sit down giving time to Chan so he could eat his breakfast in peace.

They spent the whole day together as a family bonding and having the time of their lives. Well until Minho cried because he couldn't believe that Chan finally acknowledged his parents as theirs instead of his.

To be continued

Sorry for the late update my beautiful titans😭I was still kinda busy and I still am. I just had time to post now and sorry for any grammatical errors, I haven't had time to proofread🥺😭.

And just FYI the next chapter has a very big time skip but anyways enjoy💕

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