chapter 48

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"You ready to go home?" Minho asked Chan and he nodded." It's been so long, I've probably forgotten where it is." Chan laughed lightly.

Minho gave him his clothes so he could change. After a few minutes Chan came out wearing Minho's clothes instead of the hospital clothes.

"Now I feel like a person. Your clothes worked wonders" he said making Minho to snort. Even now Chan still had an obsession with his clothes.

"You took everything?"

Minho nodded. Chan handed him little Jihoon and he took little Byul as they made their way to the car with Minho waking and Chan being wheeled." You didn't tell me you had a driver" Chan said to Minho.

"Well hi Chan hyung." Jeongin looked at him through the mirror and Chan burst out laughing. He didn't even know that Minho and Jeongin were that close.

"I've been forced to come here." Jeongin sulked." Aww I'm sorry boo. I didn't know anything about this." Chan said." Boo? Excuse me?" Minho scoffed.

Chan just intertwined their fingers and Minho smiled ditching the matter at hand. Jeongin started the car and they went back to Chan and Minho's house.

"And we've arrived." Jeongin said as he parked in Minho's garage." Aww thank you hun. You're the best friend I could ever think of" Chan said and Jeongin waved him off with a smile.

"Can you help me to take the baby's essentials from the trunk?" Chan asked politely." I wish someone would benchmark and see that being polite when asking for something doesn't cost even a penny" Jeongin said.

Minho rolled his eyes as he went into the house with Chan following behind him. They placed the sleeping babies in their cribs before going downstairs where they found Jeongin lying dramatically on the sofa.

Chan gave Jeongin some orange juice and strawberry cake. Jeongin thanked him before digging in while watching the television." So what's it like? Being a mother?" Jeongin asked.

"Tiring but very much worth it. It's like apart from Minho I have a reason to live" he smiled warmly. Jeongin smiled too being happy that his friend finally got the happiness he deserved.

"I'm happy for you" Jeongin said and Chan smiled before pulling him into a hug." Thank you Jeongin. For always being there for me. You and Seungmin. You're the best things that ever happened to me" he said.

Minho stood at the staircase watching them with a smile. He was thankful for Jeongin being in Chan's life and even though it seemed like he kinda bullied him, he loved him and respected him. Him and his mate.

He went down when their little moment ended and he pushed Jeongin to the side before sitting down next to Chan leaving Jeongin complaining about how mean he is.

"Okay guys now that I've got you home safely I'll go home." Jeongin smiled and the both of them nodded with smiles on their faces." Thank you" Minho said and Jeongin waved him off as he went away.

Minho pulled Chan into his embrace and the two of them stayed like that enjoying the moment." Are you feeling sleepy?" Minho asked Chan and the latter nodded sleepily on Minho's chest.

"Aww now I have three kids. How cute." Minho smiled to himself as he pulled Chan even closer. Before Chan could fully drift off to sleep one of the twins started crying.

"It's okay. Sleep some more honey. I'll check on them." Minho patted Chan's head and made him lie down on the sofa. Chan mumbled a quiet I love you before drifting off to sleep.

Minho rushed to the room and found Jihoon crying his lungs out." Hey little guy. What's the commotion about?" Minho picked him up and rocked him while looking for his bottle.

He gave him his bottle and the baby kept quiet as he sucked on the bottle." So cute." Minho cooed with a smile. But then Byul's little cry started.

"Hoonie darling see now? You woke your sister up. But no worries, daddy will take care of her while you lay down and drink your milk like a good boy" he said softly.

He placed the now sleepy baby in his blue crib. Minho went over to the pink crib that belonged to his daughter.

"Hi baby Azul" Minho cooed when he saw Azul's blue eyes darting around." I guess you're hungry too, aren't you? But as usual daddy has a formula to solve your problem. Aghh, such a dad joke" he laughed at himself before giving the baby some milk.

After making sure that all the babies were sleeping he went downstairs with a soft fluffy blanket and put it over Chan's sleeping body.

Minho them went on to preparing dinner for the both of them. Chan sleepily went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder." Yes love? You need anything?" he asked.

Chan shook his hand and hugged Minho. It was unexpected but very much appreciated. Minho hugged back and rubbed circles on Chan's waist.

"I missed you Minho" Chan pecked Minho's lips and placed his head on Minho's shoulder." I missed you too honey. A lot." Minho smiled as he watched his whole world in his arms.

"Then come and lay down with me" Chan pouted." But I was still preparing our dinner. I can't have you being hungry" Minho kissed Chan's forehead.

"We can just order. Please Minho" he whined and Minho nodded. Their time was now dedicated to their babies so they had to spend time together whenever they got the chance.

Minho picked Chan up and led them to the living room. Chan blushed hard because it'd been long since Minho picked him up. Was he going to have to get used to that all over again?

They cuddled on the sofa and watched some movies. They weren't really watching the television but they were just enjoying each other's presence.

"Jasper?" Minho asked." What happened to him? Is he fine?" Chan asked with worry evident in his voice and Minho shook his head before patting Chan's head.

"I want to know the inspiration behind the name" Minho said and Chan nodded." It's you." Chan said and Minho's heart nearly stopped.

"What? How?" Minho breathed with wide eyes making Chan to snort." I might not be a businessman Minhossi but I'm smart." Chan smirked and Minho squinted his eyes in confusion.

"You named little Azul after his eyes color which resemble Wolfchan's eyes. In the same way Jasper's eyes are emerald and resemble Leebit's eyes." Chan tapped his head to indicate that he was a genius.

Minho made an oh sound and nodded in realization." My little omega is not only cute but he's clever too." Minho smiled making Chan to blush hard.

"I thought we were past that stage." Chan whined and Minho laughed. The two of them stayed in each other's embrace with occasional kisses being shared between them.

To be continued

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