Chapter 33

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Note: This is the end of the story. There are no current plans for a sequel. Maybe one day. Thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed.


"How was it being back at work?" Alexei asked Lucius. All four of them were sat in the dining room, eating their first meal in their new home. It was later in the evening, around seven, as Lucius arrived later from the Ministry.

"The place is in an uproar about Riddle's return," Lucius said. "They are determined to hide it, and Fudge refuses to even acknowledge the mere idea."

"So, same as always?" Alexei said in amusement, raising an eyebrow.

Lucius rolled his eyes. "I am unsure how I feel being back, but at least I will be able to keep an eye on what is happening at the Ministry."

"May be very helpful in the next year," Severus said.

"I imagine so," Lucius agreed. "Now, Harry, how are you liking it here so far?"

Harry swallowed his bite of chicken. "It's amazing. I love it. Gets really quiet though which will take some getting used to."

"You haven't experienced quiet often?" Lucius asked casually, glancing at Severus and Alexei. It was a rare occasion when Harry would discuss any past abuse or other traumatic moments from his life. Whenever he did, they made sure to keep the conversation calm and casual.

Harry shook his head. "The Dursleys were pretty loud people. Even locked in my cupboard, Dudley always made sure to stomp on the stairs or knock on the door or yell at me through the door. Even at night, if I was awake, I could always hear Uncle Vernon snoring and Dudley sneaking a round on a video game."

"And as far as Gryffindors go, the tower wasn't very quiet either, I imagine," Severus said and Harry chuckled.

"Dean's the only quiet one besides me, but once he's with Seamus," Harry said, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, Neville's pretty quiet, but he's opened up and, again, once they all get together, it's a riot."

"Well, quiet is quite nice sometimes," Alexei said. "Calming quiet anyways."

Harry nodded, but didn't say anything. Right now, the silence only allowed thoughts and memories of the graveyard to play again and again. He supposed he just had to do his best to keep busy and keep his mind occupied. It couldn't be too hard, at least for a little while. He was in a new place after all.

"Can I ask something?" Harry asked suddenly as a random thought crossed his mind.

"Always," Severus said.

"What happened to Karkaroff?" Harry asked. "I know he was a Death Eater, but he wasn't in the graveyard."

Again, the three men glanced at each other. Harry also never mentioned the night of the Third Task and the graveyard. They wanted him to talk about it and strongly encouraged it, but he had yet to do so. They all knew he was haunted and plagued by nightmares, but all they could do was wait and hope he talked to them eventually.

"Karkaroff fled as soon as we were called," Lucius said. "Man had always been a coward."

"He will either stay in hiding until Riddle is killed, or Riddle will find him and kill him for his betrayal," Severus added.

Harry was surprised how calmly his father spoke of someone being murdered. He had seen three murders this year and they haunted every moment. Was Severus fine with murder? Then it hit him. Severus was a Death Eater, loyal or not. Had he ever killed someone?

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