Chapter 27

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"Sorry, Harry, I can't tell yeh that," Hagrid said and Harry sighed, patting Fang on the head.

"I already know what the task is," Harry argued. "Is it really such a big deal if I know some of what's inside the maze?"

The half-giant gave him a sad look. "Sorry, but Dumbledore's orders. No champions are te know what's in the maze. How do yeh know 'bout the maze anyway?"

"Overheard a conversation," Harry lied quickly.

Hagrid raised a bushy eyebrow. "Were yeh eavesdroppin'?"

"No, as hard as that may be to believe," Harry said and Hagrid shrugged.

"With yer track record."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Are yeh nervous?" Hagrid asked.

Harry looked down at Fang. "Nervous about going into a cursed maze that is infested with creatures and might make the others go crazy? Not to mention the person that wants me dead, who I am pretty sure is Moody. No, I'm not nervous," he said sardonically.

"Yer gonna be fine," Hagrid said. "An' what's that 'bout Professor Moody?"

"It's not Moody," Harry said, "but I have no proof so forget it."

Hagrid gave him a look, but didn't say anything.

"I should get back," Harry said, getting to his feet.

"I'll walk yeh back," Hagrid said.

"That's not necessary."

"Professor Snape's orders."

Harry huffed, annoyed, but waited for the half-giant to walk with him. They were mostly quiet as they walked across the dark grounds up to the castle."

"What is happenin' this summer?" Hagrid asked. "Yeh goin' back ter the Dursleys'?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm going to be living with Severus, Lucius, and Alexei."

"That's great," Hagrid said. "Where yeh gonna be?"

"We're still deciding," Harry said. "Alexei has a bunch of places that we're looking through. We have it narrowed down to three."

"I'm happy fer yeh," Hagrid said, smiling. "Yeh always wanted a family. Professor Snape has really been like a father ter yeh."

Harry paused for a moment, thinking. "Yeah," was all he said. "I have to go." He began to run ahead.


"You can watch me until I get inside!" Harry said and kept running until he was inside the school. Once inside and heading up to Gryffindor Tower, he slowed back down to a walk. He wasn't sure why he had reacted the way he did to Hagrid's words. It was as though the moment Hagrid said 'father', his mind went into a panic. He had never thought of their situation in that way. Were they really a family? Did he consider Severus a father? Did he want Severus as his father? He cared about Severus and the others, and he knew he wanted to stay with them. If he accepted the adoption, it made it all so official. It would be permanent and official. Severus would be his father.

He ran his hands through his hair as he walked into his empty dorm. Everyone was still at dinner, allowing him some time alone.

He looked around, needing to think about something else. He thought about Moody. He knew he was right about the man. He knew Moody was not Moody, knew Moody was the one using Polyjuice Potion. He wished he had proof. He was sure it was the imposter that had entered him in the tournament. It was the imposter that was going to mess with the Final Task. If he was right about everything, it was actually Barty Crouch Jr. posing as Moody, and was thus working for Voldemort. He needed proof so something could be done.

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