Chapter 31

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[English text] Moye ditya = [Russian text] мое дитя = My child


Harry vaguely listened to Dumbledore's speech. He stared blankly at the smiling and laughing portrait of Cedric. It was the day after the disastrous Final Task. He technically should have still been in the Hospital Wing, but he refused to miss Cedric's funeral. His guardians were all around the Great Hall, attending to offer their own condolences but also to monitor him. The deal was that he would go directly back to the Hospital Wing once the funeral was over. He would hopefully be cleared that day so he could go to Severus' rooms instead. He felt a strong desire to be with his guardians in peace. He knew they were going to want him to talk about what happened and he wasn't sure he wanted to just yet, but he wanted to be with them nonetheless.

He looked around as Dumbledore kept talking. There were so many tears in the hall. Cedric's father was up at the front, sitting behind Dumbledore and with McGonagall. She was doing her best to comfort him while subtly dabbing at her own eyes. Plenty of students were crying or at least had their heads hanging, the majority naturally being Hogwarts students. The Ravenclaw Cho Chang was sobbing; she and Cedric had been dating. He spotted Hermione and Ginny who were both also crying. There would always be a small, empty place inside of him at the loss of their friendship.

Students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were also feeling the loss, despite just being visitors for the year. Fleur, still sporting some cuts and bandages, had a few tears as she held her sister's hands tightly in her lap. Krum's face was hard. Harry wondered if he remembered anything. It was also while he was observing the other schools that he realized Karkaroff wasn't there. Where was he? Had he returned to Voldemort? He hadn't been in the graveyard last night.

Harry flinched and stared down at his own lap as a few flashes of the previous night went across his mind. He rubbed his right arm where there was still a healing cut under his bandages under his clothes. Taking a deep breath, he looked back up at Dumbledore who appeared to be closing the memorial.

Once he saw others begin to stand and leave the Hall, he stood as well. He hadn't heard a word Dumbledore said. He stayed at his seat, waiting for Severus, Lucius, or Alexei to accompany him to the Hospital Wing. He gave the twins a thankful smile for coming to see how he was. He promised to see them once more before school ended for the summer.

He turned his eyes back to the front of the Hall and frowned at what seemed to be an intense conversation between Severus, Lucius, and Dumbledore. He noticed Severus' right hand was clenched into a fist and Harry felt his stomach drop as he realized what they were probably discussing. He started to head up there only to be stopped by Alexei. His eyes flew to the vampire, wanting to demand he be released and be allowed to stop Severus. The words caught in his throat at the look of anguish on Alexei's face. It made him realize that he wasn't the only one affected by what Voldemort's return meant for Severus and Lucius. Alexei had been through this once already, and then it had been more voluntary and willing on Severus' and Lucius' parts.

So, he held his tongue and just looked back at Severus sadly. He was somewhat surprised when the man turned his head to meet his gaze. The look Severus gave him was full of sadness and guilt. Harry tried to give his guardian a small smile to reassure him. He wasn't sure if he was successful, but Severus gave an almost imperceptible nod before saying one last thing to Dumbledore and disappeared through the staff door at the back of the Great Hall.

"Come, moye ditya," Alexei said quietly. "Back to the Hospital Wing."

With a sigh, Harry nodded. He walked beside the vampire in silence, both thinking about Severus. In no time they were back in the Hospital Wing and Harry instantly sat on the bed he had been occupying. Alexei stood nearby, his arms crossed over his chest. They didn't have to wait long for Pomfrey to hurry over.

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