Chapter 41: Family

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Yang gasped as she had woken up from a terrifying nightmare. It was the middle of the night as the moon reflected light from her window. She slowly rises from her bed and she hears the sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. So Yang grabs her coat and heads downstairs to the kitchen where he could hear Port's voice. 

Port: "And, and, and then in comes Qrow wearing a skirt! I was just a T.A, I... I didn't know what to do, so, I just left the room to laugh!" 

In the kitchen, Tai, Dr. Oobleck and Port were laughing as Yang was standing at the entrance, listening to them as they were talking about Qrow. 

Tai: "Yeah, we told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!"

Oobleck(Laughing): "That is terrible! What is wrong with you?!" 

Tai: "Hey, the girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favour! Besides, that's not even the best part, see then we-" 

Before Tai could even talk some more. Port placed his foot on top of the table and said. 

Port: "Like what you see?!" 

The three adults all began to laugh again. Professor Port started to lose his balance and fell to the floor, making the rest laugh even more, especially Yang.  

Port: "Oh uh, Ms. Xiao Long! uh... Please join us!" 

Oobleck: "Uh, year, yes! Uh, pull up a chair! Please, pull up a chair" 

Yang walked her way up to her father and sat herself on the counter. 

Yang: "I'm good. So what're you doing here?"

Oobleck: "Despite popular belief,  Teachers do have a life outside the classroom"

Port: "Professor Goodwitch is working round the clock to restore Beacon to its former glory! But Mistral wasn't built in a day... And we all need some rest from time to time" 

Tai: "Look, let's not worry about that right now. So there we were standing in the auditorium looking at Qrow wearing a skirt. Then, Oz tells everyone it's time to work on our landing strategy!"

Oobleck: "The Branwen twins have always been... interesting, to say the least"

Port: "That sure didn't seem to stop young Tai"

Tai: "Hey, come on man. She's right here" 

Port: "Oohh please. She's a mature young woman, if she can handle combat,  she can handle a few jabs at her old man!" 

Tai: "That's not the issue, Pete! And besides, she's still a teenager!"

Yang: "She is also in the room and can be directly spoken to. And I think I've been through enough to be considered an adult at this point" 

Tai: "Adult or not, you've still got a long way to go before you're ready for the real world"

Yang: "Oh my gosh,  does every father figure just have the same three condescending phrases?!"

Tai: "Yeah, be we only use them when we mean it!"

Yang: "Is that so?!"

As Tai and Yang were arguing with each other, Oobleck and Port were beginning to feel uncomfortable with what was going to happen. 

Tai: "If you honestly think that you're ready to go out there on your own... Well I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm" 

Yang, Oobleck and Port were shocked by what Taiyang had said, but soon. 

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