Chapter 35: Heroes and Monsters

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Beacon Academy

Flying in the air, Y/n watches as the giant Dragon Grimm was flying over the Atlesian Airships and was coming straight to Beacon Academy. Y/n was terrified of what he is witnessing, a Dragon Grimm with a size that could level the Academy and Vale. 

Y/n: "Crap! Crap crap crap!" 

Y/n descended down from being up in the sky and landed down on the ground where he spotted couples of students fighting off Grimms. Y/n ran up to the group while shooting at a Beowolf. 

Ren: "Y/n, what is going on?"

Nora: "What the heck was that quaking about?"

Y/n: "A giant dragon Grimm is coming to Beacon!"

Y/n holding his Hunter's Brace, shots at some Creeps approaching them and kill them with headshots. 

Sun: "A what?!" 

Sun exclaimed. 

Y/n: "Grimm with huge wings and seems to be followed by Avian Grimms" 

Sage: "How do we stop that thing?"

Ren: "...We can't"

Ren walked up and spoke. 

Ren: "That thing you sawed up there is a Wyvern. I read something about this Grimm from a book, but nobody had ever seen it since years ago. Our weapons cannot harm that thing, it'll just irritate it" 

As the groups were looking at each other. Y/n look back at the Wyvern, who was still had a long way before it'll get here. 

 Y/n: "We need to get the people, civilians off of Beacon" 

Nora: "But how!? The White Fang and Grimm are surrounding the place, we'll never get them out of here in time!" 

Nora was right about the Grimm and the White Fangs. Y/n look around as Grimm, Beowolf, Ursas and Creeps were roaming around. Y/n look back at Nora and eye at her weapon. 

Y/n: "Nora, may I have your weapon for a second?"

Nora: "Huh?.. Sure"

Nora transform her Magnhild from a Hammer into it Grenade Launcher mode and tosses it to Y/n. Y/n inspected the weapon for a second, aim it at a pack of Beowolves and fires one round that exploded in the center of the pack. Y/n fired a second round at a horde of Creeps and a third at a Griffon flying by. Y/n's Aura changed into red  and emitting black smokes. With using a single command, a horde of Beowolves and Ursas were turning against other Grimms. 

Ren: "With those Grimm helping us. We can handle the White Fang" 

Y/n: "Good. That is all I nee-!" 

Out of nowhere, Y/n's legs had given out causing him to nearly fall if it wasn't Sage and Sun to suppose him. 

Sun: "What's is happening with you?"

Y/n grunted before he spoke. 

Y/n: "I think I may had passed my limits from turning Grimm on to our sides" 

Ren: "We'll need you to help us, so don't try to do it again" 

Y/n nodded before he could stand himself up, grabs his Grimm Reaper.

Y/n: "I won't. We need to find the others if we have a chance in fighting" 

The students nodded and quickly all six of them went off to somewhere on campus. 

Deep through of Beacon Academy, Blake was standing in front of a broken window of the cafeteria and inside the burning mess hall was Adam Taurus. Blake tried to slowly back up. 

The Grimm in Huntsman's Clothing (Male 'Hybrid' Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now