Chapter 38: The Next Step

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It has been two days since Y/n stayed on Patch, looking out for Yang, supporting her and through her tough times. The last two nights, she would wake up, scared and cling onto Y/n for dear life, afraid of letting go. Y/n doesn't mind it, but seeing her acting all scared does concerns him, and he'll know that Yang will be okay.

The first day on Patch, Y/n decided to take an inspection of himself to see what's new with his body. Y/n see his Grimm parts were still intact, he can sprout out his wings, change his body in various Grimm parts as well, but without feeling any sort of pain. After he had finished inspecting his body, Y/n went into Ruby's room and opened up the crate, revealing his suit.

Y/n grabs a piece of paper that were inside the crate and read it. It was a note by Ironwood for Ruby and Yang, and how he is sorry for their lost. Y/n crumples the paper and toss it in the trash, then he proceed to find out how to get pull the suit apart so he can get in. After minutes of finding out how, he left them on the floor and waited for next morning.

Their last day together, in the early morning the two couples woke up from their sleep and Yang wanted to stay in bed for a while, so Y/n allow it.

After some times staying on the bed together, both of them get up from the bed and headed down to the kitchen where, Tai, was making breakfast. After they had finish eating their breakfast, Y/n went into Ruby's room and decided to bring out his suit.

Now, sitting on the balcony, Yang watches her boyfriend and he was testing out his new suit

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Now, sitting on the balcony, Yang watches her boyfriend and he was testing out his new suit. Y/n had done some basic test, moving his arms, walking and running, even doing some hand combat with himself.

Y/n looked over at Yang and remove his helmet.

Yang: "How is your new outfit going?"

Y/n: "I think I am gonna love it, Yang"

Y/n said with a smile on his face. Seeing him smiling at her, warms her up to see him like this. Yang's smile drop and she look away from Y/n.

Y/n: "What's wrong?"

Yang look at her boyfriend and said.

Yang: "...Today is the day, is it?"

Knowing what she meant, Y/n walked up onto the balcony and hold her, she embraces.

Y/n: "Yeah. Today's the day, Yang"

Yang nodded.

Yang: "Just... just make sure that Ruby sees you, to let her know that you're alright"

Y/n raise his hand and lower it on Yang's hair, softly stroking her golden hair.

Y/n: "I promise"

The door connected to the balcony open up, revealing Taiyang and Zwei.

Zwei: *Bark!*

Zwei quickly ran over to the young couple and leaps into Y/n's arms.

Tai: "Heading off to Mistral, huh Y/n?"

The Grimm in Huntsman's Clothing (Male 'Hybrid' Reader x Rwby Harem)Where stories live. Discover now