Chapter 31: Reassuring (Short)

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Y/n's Dormitory

Sitting on the couch, Y/n and Glynda watches on the screen as Yang Xiao Long was being surrounded by Atlesian Knights and her contestant, Mercury on the floor holding his broken leg. 

Y/n: "I-i need to go" 

Y/n gotten off the couch and headed to the counter where his mask was laying on. He grabs it and put it back on. Glynda was on her Scroll. 

Glynda: "I'll handle with the transport, you just get there"

Y/n nodded and left his dorm, leaving Glynda behind. Y/n ran out of the building and headed to directly to the landing platform. 

Y/n's Scroll suddenly went off. He grabs his Scroll and saw who was calling him, It was Ruby. He answered the call. 

Ruby(Scroll): Y/n! Yang is in trouble. We can't see her, I don't know where she is being taking!"

Ruby sounded frantic on the call. 

Y/n: "What happen up there, what made her do that?!"

Weiss(Scroll): "Cleary we don't know. Everything did seems fine, before Yang did that!"

Weiss voice came on the call. 

Blake(Scroll): "We'll look for her, just get here!"

Y/n end the call and waited, impatiently for a transport to arrive. 


After waiting of an air transport, Y/n finally made it to Amity Colosseum. Y/n gotten off the transport and ran into the corridor. Ruby texted where they were and Y/n hurried to their location. 

Coming from a corridor, Y/n saw Yang being escorted by Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck with four Atlesian Knights and Weiss, Blake and Ruby.

Port: "Mr. L/n!' 

Y/n: "Yang!" 

Yang's escorts halt as Y/n was coming towards them, Yang seeing him coming, she approaches him and hug him. 

 Y/n: "What happen out there?!" 

Yang didn't say anything, she just continue to hug him. 

Coming from behind him, was General Ironwood.

Ironwood: "She is not safe around here, the news will be hearing about what they had seen"

Oobleck: "Me and Port had to get back to our room, we'll leave her with you" 

Dr. Oobleck and Professor Port left, leaving the group. 

Ironwood: " *To AK's* Leave us" 

The Atlesian Knights backed off, allowing Ruby, Weiss and Blake to come closer towards Yang. 

Ruby: "Yang, are you gonna be okay?"

Yang: "I just wanna go"

Yang said, still holding onto Y/n. Y/n look over at the girls. 

Y/n: "Why don't she stay with me for the night?" 

Ironwood: "I have a dropship waiting, you five should hurry' 

Ruby: "Thank you, General"

Y/n, Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake all walked away as they follow Ironwood to where the dropship is located. 

Once they made it back to Beacon Academy, Yang didn't felt like leaving the dropship, so Y/n had to carried her to his dorm alongside the her teammates, and including Velvet and Coco. As they were in Y/n's dorm, Y/n carefully placed Yang onto his bed and wrap around his blanket around Yang, she didn't want him to leave her as she clings onto his arm. Y/n told her that he'll be right back and he is not far from the door connected to the bedroom. 

She reluctantly let go and wait for her boyfriend to come back.  

Y/n closes the door behind him and stand in front of it. 

Velvet: "I can't believe what we had just seen" 

Ruby: "I know my sister and I know that she'll ever hurt anybody without a reason" 

As the group of girls were talking about the incident, Y/n didn't say anything but listen. Until he eventually speak up.

Y/n: "Girls!" 

All five girls stop talking and look at Y/n. Y/n took a moment to speak, while doing so. Y/n could hear small shuffles coming from the bedroom. 

Y/n: "I don't think Yang doesn't want us to talk about this for tonight, or ever. So why don't we just let the staffs handles this, rather than us and may ended up messing this up?"

Y/n look behind him at the door. 

Y/n: "Yang need some comfort, not getting reminded of what happen" 

The girls look at each other and agreed with Y/n.

Ruby: "Ok, we'll be leaving"

One by one, the girls says that goodnight and left Y/n's dorm. Y/n sigh quietly before he open the door. Y/n went inside his bedroom and bundling underneath the blanket was Yang. Y/n walk over towards the edge of the bed and press down against what seems to be her head. 

Y/n: "Are you okay?"

No answer. 

Y/n: "Whatever you want to say, I'll believe. You know that, right?"

Yang(Quiet): "...I saw him.. "

Y/n: "Yang" 

Yang: "I saw what I saw. He was about to dropkick me and the next thing I know was getting surrounded by those robots, and someone telling me to stay where I am!"

Yang unravel herself from the blanket and look at Y/n. 

Yang: "I punch him in his leg, he was just standing there! Doing nothing and I punch him!"

Y/n could send her sadness and anger flowing through her body. Y/n places his hand on her head and stroke her blonde hair, trying to calm her down. 

Y/n: "Everything will be okay, Yang. You may get in trouble, but I'm sure they'll go easy on you. I'll be with you"

Yang: "I just want this night to be over" 

Y/n softly smiles as he went over to the other side of the bed, laying on the mattress and grab Yang for a hug. Her body shakes lightly, small sniffles can be heard. Y/n comforted her by stroking her hair again and making sure she is safe. 

Some Times 

Y/n didn't know how long he had been stroking her hair now, hour now? Y/n carefully look at her and saw her eyes close. Yang was asleep, but the side of her eyes seems to have dried tears that came from her small cries. 

Since Yang seems sound asleep, Y/n stop stroking her hair and was prepared to go to sleep. Until his scroll vibrated. Y/n grab his Scroll and spotted the time and the message, it was midnight and he couldn't believe that. 

About the message, it was directly came by Ruby and she texted. 

Ruby: How is she? 

Y/n returned her text. 

Y/n: Yang is asleep and I am about to be too

Ruby: Ok, I hope Yang will be fine in the morning

Y/n shut off his Scroll and held Yang in his arms. Y/n stay there wide awake as his thought about what Yang said, including Coco. 

Y/n: "Something doesn't feel right" 

Y/n closes his eyes and finally sleeps. 

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