Chapter 9: Flow

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TW: Mentions of War and Death


Would anyone cry if he died tonight?

Dream, probably. He hadn't seen him since the confession. Was he really... his boyfriend now? Oh, wow. George had never expected himself to get that far.

A lover. And all the responsibilities that came with one. But those could wait now, survival was more important.

George had followed the other soldiers onto the empty field and was now swimming in the place he was supposed to swim in. Why was there even something like an order? In a few minutes, they would be in the middle of a giant bloody chaos, why was it so important that he swam in this specific place now?

Oh, well. It didn't matter. He felt his heartbeat quicken. Things were about to get serious.

Suddenly, a wave of movement ran through the soldiers' rows. The enemy had arrived. George swallowed hardly. Were his friends from the rebellion among them? Was Dream among them?

George felt his breath speed up. He hadn't even thought about that, he had been too focused on himself to think about how the war would affect Dream. He was the appropriate age, he should've been called to serve in the army. Oh no, would George have to fight him?

Should he try and check if Dream was there? Surely, nobody would care if he just swam a tail's length up towards the surface for a second, just to see if he could spot anyone familiar? Sure, it was risky, but nobody would notice, right? Everyone else was too busy focusing on the two leaders, who were about to meet in the middle of the battlefield.

George didn't even know who led the merfolk's army, he knew his father was supposed to, but couldn't due to his old age.

Quickly, George checked his surroundings. Nobody was paying attention to him. Now was his chance!

He swam upwards, eyes scanning the rows of sirens on the other side of the field. They were quite far away, but he could see the infamous rebel Technoblade.

He probably hadn't been arrested purely because they needed him tonight, no other rebel would dare to reveal themselves like that, but Technoblade... Nobody would dare to get in his way and only seeing him sparked fear in his enemies, the merfolk.

Dream, however, was nowhere to be seen.

Just as George was about to swim back down into the rows of soldiers, a strong flow took a hold of him and carried him towards the sirens.

George was too shocked to react and as he drifted towards his enemies, it felt like he was watching from sombody else's point of view.

Somebody screamed, somebody yelled his name, it was all blurry. Was this the end?

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