Chapter 7: Pro or Contra?

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Hey! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, real life was... difficult. Anyway, to make it up to you, I wrote two chapters. Enjoy!

TW: War, Mentions of Death


It was now officially only a few moments until the fateful speech and Dream still hadn't decided what he was going to do. This was his chance, the drop that could finally lead to everything overflowing, maybe even for a revolution to happen.

But was it really worth risking his life for? Well, yes, of course, but couldn't he do more if he stayed alive? Then again, soldiers would die tonight if the battle was actually going to take place, and could he really forgive himself?

But wouldn't the battle take place either way? Nobody knows the future, I guess, Dream thought as he made his way over to where he was going to hold the speech. The soldiers were already waiting for him to start and he hadn't even decided what the main message of his speech would be tonight!

As he reached the front of the crowd and turned around, Dream felt the eyes of all the sirens burning through his skin, as if they were waiting for him to say something wrong and punish him by tearing him apart.

Dream had never felt this... seen in his entire life, he was used to hiding in the shadows and being overlooked.

It's okay, he told himself. It's just a feeling. You're safe, nobody here is actually gonna hurt you. But he knew he was lying to himself, he saw the king's spies in the crowd and he knew they were only waiting for him to slip up so they could kill him and get away with it.

Dream forced himself not to look at them any longer and cleared his throat awkwardly. Deep breaths, Dream, you got this. Suddenly, he noticed someone in the crowd of soldiers, a brown-haired boy with a blue tail. It wasn't George, he realized as he observed his features more carefully, but... maybe he didn't have to be.

George was what was on the line here, Dream realized. George, the merman. George, who would miss him if he was to be killed (even though he would probably never admit it) and George, who'se family and friends he was about to attack.

And suddenly, Dream knew what he was going to do.

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