Chapter 8: Speech

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TW: War, Mentions of Death

Read at your own risk, it will get... emotional.


"First of all: thank you all for being here tonight", Dream announced, his voice loud and clear. He knew most of the sirens who were here tonight had been forced, but he decided to thank them nonetheless.

"Your homecountry appreciates your courage and confidence." Most of the soldiers looked wary or tired, some even scared. Dream knew what he was saying was about the opposite of what the reality he was witnessing, but that was exactly what he was planning on doing.

"The merfolk - the people we will fight tonight - have been a thorn in our eyes for a very long time. How did this fight start, you might ask. Nobody knows, it's been too long. Our grandfathers, their grandfathers and generations before that have battled and to this day, there is no winner.

We will change that tonight. It doesn't matter we don't know what started this anymore, it doesn't matter our blood and their blood has colored the ocean's water red for centuries for absolutely no reason..." The soldiers were starting to get anxious, they looked at eachother in confusion as they slowly started realising Dream was being sarcastic.

"It doesn't matter that none of them know any of us personally and have never hurt us, yes, have never even intended to hurt us, because tonight", Dream smiled in victory as he saw the sirens listening slowly realizing what he was saying, "we're gonna murder each and every single one of them and bring their country the cloud of sadness and despair it's always been missing!

Who cares if their mothers will never see the children they gave birth to and raised with love and devotion ever again? Who cares if their well-preserved, astounding culture dies with them?

Who cares if...", Dream took a deep breath, his eyes focused on the brown-haired boy in the back, his only thought being George, "if lovers get to kiss the cold lips of their significant other they planned on spending their entire life together with goodbye for a final time tonight?"

His voice started to shake as he finished his last sentence and he had to fight back his tears, along with some of the audience. Please, I can't lose George tonight, he internally begged the soldiers. Please understand how pointless all of this is, please...

Dream swallowed hardly and blinked a few times to get rid of a few tears that had started forming in his eyes at the thought, "After all... we're two very different species, right? Their feelings are not our feelings and our mothers, atleast of those who will survive tonight, will be crying tears of joy, our lovers will embrace us with open arms and congratulate us on our victory, our culture will remain."

Dream took another deep breath and paused for a dramatic few seconds as he watched his audience understanding his point more and more. Technoblade, who was in one of the first rows, was smiling proudly.

"We are not them, our lives are not their lives, we will remain and we will show them that they are worth nothing!" The words echoed in the silence. Usually, at the end of speeches like this one, there should be applause and battle cries, but the sirens just looked at eachother in confusion, worry and fear.

Dream smiled victoriously. This was exactly the reaction he had hoped for and he could see his father's spies boiling with rage, because technically, even though he had made his opinion more than clear, he had done exactly what he had been told - to promote this war.

He hadn't said anything that could be held against him, but he had gotten his point across well.

Now it was up to the sirens what they made of it.

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