Let You Go

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I stand alone
My heart in disarray
The memories of you
They linger and sway
Like a melody
Soft and far away
I ponder our union's fall
The rise and now the end of it all
A love once blooming
Vibrant and true
Now lying in ruins
Bidding adieu.

Your eyes,
they sparkled like the stars up high.
Your smile,
it lit up the night, and made me fly.

But now
You're gone
And I am left to sigh
And wonder why
Our love had to die.

The wind it whispers secrets in my ear
Of a love that's lost
And a heart that's dear
It tells of moments we shared
So pure and clear
And how you left me with a heart so sincere.

The hands of time have etched their mark
Upon our souls
Leaving a lasting spark
Amidst the pain and bitter regret
I'll find solace in the sun that's set.

I'll pen these verses with a heavy heart
As I've decided
It's time to depart
No longer will I cling to memories past
For I've come to realize
It will not last.

I'm letting you go
A choice that's tough but necessary this time
For within our wounds
There lies a chance
To heal
To grow
To embrace life's dance.

Like autumn leaves
We'll gracefully fall
Drifting away from each other's call
Though our paths may cross on separate shores
We shall find peace in open doors.

Through metaphors
I'll express my sorrow
As waves crash against the rocks tomorrow
Our love
Like waves
Had once crashed and swayed
But now it's time
The bond is frayed.

In poetic verses
I'll find my release
To heal my heart and find inner peace
Though absence lingers and tears may flow
I'll find strength as this love I let go.

I'm letting you go
I know it's time
To move on and find a new rhyme
But oh, the memories
They'll always be
A part of me
A memory to see.

With gentle words and tender emotions
I'll navigate this sea of mixed devotions
May forgiveness bloom where once resentment grew
As I bid adieu to the love we once knew.

Oh, darling, with whom I shared so much
I bid farewell with care and a gentle touch
May life's journey lead us both anew
To happiness, love, and dreams come true.

I've carried the weight of the past for so long
A heavy burden on my shoulders and heart
As I close this chapter
Turn the page
I'll continue on
Despite love's rage
I'm ready to let go
To move on
To start a new chapter
A fresh new start.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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