It's Better to Let Go

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Is our love still true?
Have we gone astray?
Amidst the chaos
Have we lost our way?
Days spent in silence
Nights filled with doubt
Fires that once burned now flickering out.

We promised forever
A love so strong
But distance has whispered
Doubts all along
Through storms we weathered
Together we stood
But lately it feels like we're drifting for good.

Where did we falter?
Where did we go wrong?
Can we rekindle the love that was so strong?
The laughter we shared
The stolen glances
Memories now fading
Lost in romances.

Do we still hold hands and gaze in each other's eyes?
Do we still share our dreams and laugh until we cry?
Do we still have each other's backs no matter what challenges come our
Do we still feel the spark that ignites within?

Our love is a puzzle
And it's time to make sure all the pieces still
fit together
To see if it's still all that we hold dear
Are we still the north star that guides each
other home?
Do our souls still take to wing?

Should we continue on the road we know
Even though it's worn and rough to tread?
Or should we venture down a different track
One that's less familiar
But perhaps less fraught with flak?

I know there have been challenges
Times when we've been apart
But through it all
Our love has endured
A testament to our beating heart.

If we find that our love is still strong
And that our hearts still beat as one
Then let's embrace it with all that we can do
Let's cherish each other every single day
Until our days are done.

But if we find that our love has changed,
And we're no longer on the same page,
we'll part ways with love and respect,
And cherish the memories of our shared stage.

Do we still see the same stars in the night sky?
Do our hearts still beat as one when we're side by side?
Is this the love we once dreamed of?
Does it still make our hearts sing?

If we find that our paths have diverged
And our love has no longer surged
We'll part ways with love and respect
And wish each other all the best.

For it's better to let go with grace
Than to stay in a love that's lost its embrace
No matter what the future holds
I'll always love you, baby
'Cause you've taught me what true love means
And for that,
I'll always be grateful, baby.

Whether we stay together or go our separate ways
May our love always shine
Like the sun's bright rays
It's painful to end
But it's for the best
To find true happiness
And put our hearts to the test.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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