Ghostly Past

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I've tried to run away from you
My past, my ghosts, my pain
But you're always there
In the shadows of my mind.

I've tried to bury you
To forget all that you've done
But you're always there
Haunting me
In the quiet of the night.

A love that bloomed so bright and fair
But ended in sorrow and despair.

My heart aches with the weight of the past
The memories of loves that didn't last
I've given my all
But it wasn't enough
Now I'm left with nothing but regret and pain.

I see your face in my dreams
And your voice echoes in my head
I can't escape the memories
Even though I know they're better off dead.

I'm tired of being heartbroken
Tired of picking up the pieces again
But I know that I'm stronger than I think
And that one day, I'll find love that will never end.

I'm tired of running.
I'm tired of hiding.
I'm tired of being afraid.

I know that it'll always be
A part of me
But now I'm stronger
Wiser too
And I know what love can truly do.

So today, I face you
I look you in the eye
And I say:

I see you.
I feel you.
And I accept you.

I know that I can't change what happened
But I can learn from it
I can grow from it.

And I can finally breathe again.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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