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I'm stuck in a prison of my own making
A cell of denial
Where my heart is aching
I say I'm over you
But it's all a lie
For the truth is
I'm still drowning in our goodbye.

I see your face in every dream
I hear your voice in every silent scream
My heart aches for your touch
But I know you're gone
And there's too much.

Oh, baby, why did you have to leave?
My heart is shattered
I can't believe
I'm trapped in the past
Unable to move on
My denial blinds me
I'm singing a swan song.

A haunting past
My heart does spin
Refusing to let go of all that we shared.

Though time has passed
And memories fade
My love for you
It will never evade.

My mind replays each moment shared
The laughter
And dreams we bared
I yearn for touch
For stolen kiss
A love that once brought me such bliss.

I know I should let go
But I can't bring myself to do it
I'm afraid that if I do
I'll lose a part of you
So I cling to the memories
Both good and bad
Denying the reality of the love we once had.

I'm trapped in a cycle of pain and despair
Unable to move on
Unable to repair
I'm suffocating in this denial of mine
But I'm too afraid to let you go, to cross that line.

But time has marched
And we've grown apart
Our paths diverged
A painful start
Yet still I cling to what has passed.

My heart in chains
My soul amassed
I try to forget
But it's all in vain
My love for you
It will forever remain.

Oh, how I wish I could break free
From this prison of denial
Where time just seems to flee
But I'm too weak
My heart too sore
To face the truth
that you're no longer mine anymore.

Oh, baby, please come back to me
I can't live without you, you see
But if you're gone for good
I'll have to let go
And learn to live without you
Even though it hurts so.

I dream of what could have been
And mourn the love that we never did win
A prisoner of love's fading light
In denial's depths
I lose my fight.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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