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Your actions
Like a knife
Cut deep and true
Leaving scars that I fear may never flew
You promised me the world
But delivered pain
A thousand times I wept
But you remained the same.

Oh, how the tides of deceit rolled in
Whispering promises that shattered within
Like a cruel illusion
You played your part
Leaving fragments of trust to bleed from my heart.

Your betrayals
Like a river
Flowed and ran
Carrying away my hope, my love, my plan
I thought we had a bond that would never break
But you, my dear, were a mere fake.

The rhythm of our love
Once sweet and true
Now lost in the echoes of what we once knew
Yet still
My spirit finds solace to cope
In weaving emotions with poetic hope.

Serenity danced upon our hearts
Like melodies
We wove our parts
But shadows cast their creeping snare
And in deception's lair
You ensnared.

Promises whispered
Fervently sworn
Yet clandestine whispers left me torn
The walls we built came crashing down
As secrets revealed their wicked frown.

Oh, gentle breezes turned fierce storms
As truth shattered
And trust transformed
Once woven threads of love and grace
Now twisted
Memories erase.

You played the notes with smooth deceit
A composer crafting lies so fleet
With every word
My faith was strained
And slowly
Trust began to wane.

I offered you solace
A chance to amend
Yet the words that you whispered were but echoes in the wind
I tried to forgive
To let go of the past
To give you space
To see you last.

In days of sunshine
You were my guide
My heart beats for you
My soul resides
With every smile
My love did grow
And in your eyes
My heart did glow.

But now
In nights of bitter rain
You broke my trust
You betrayed my heart
And left me here to fall apart
The shadows of your lies remain
A heavy burden on my heart.

The wind it whispers through the trees
A melody of pain and pleas
The memories of love we shared
Now tainted with your deceitful stare.

The stars above
They twinkle bright
But all I see is endless night
For in your arms
I thought I'd find
A refuge from the world's unkind.

But now
I'm left to face the storm
Alone and shattered
My heart torn
The trust you broke
The love we had
A memory that now makes me sad.

I gave you a chance
A second
A third
But still
The mistakes continued
I thought that time would heal
That love would grow
But all I got was sorrow
As you know.

Oh, how I yearned for our bond to revive
To mend the fissures of our tattered ties
But blind to my pleas
You resumed your old ways
Through the murky labyrinth
Lost in your own maze.

Your eyes
Once bright
Now dull and grey
Reflected only your own disdain
You showed me that you didn't care
And left me in a world of pain.

Your words
Once sweet
Now hollow and dry
Like the wind
They left me to die
You showed me that you didn't care
And shattered my heart
Like a shard of glass.

My heart aches for you
But I know it's true
That I can't stay with you
Not me
Not you
You broke my trust
You betrayed my heart
But through the pain
A stronger me shall start
Though scars may linger
Etched in my soul
I'll strive for love that reclaims the whole.

The memories of you
I'll now displace
Into a box
Where they'll gather dust and grace
I'll move on
Find new love
And heal my heart
For you
My dear
We're just a part.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

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