Eggshells - A Poem

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To: The Girl That Wears Too Much Makeup Now


are what i walk on


is what i hear


is what i see in your eyes

where did i go wrong?

weve had troubles

in the past

but i thought

we moved passed them

you act as though

i don't exist

and yet you complain

i don't exhibit emotion

what am i supposed to do?

tip toe around the point

(which you've splayed all over)

until i make you happy?

you always saw me as

an enemy

i was never

a friend

to you

i was the new girl

someone to mould into

your own minion

i realize now

how dumb i was to believe

that you never drank

that night

i realize now

how dumb i was to believe

that youd never talk

behind my back

i realize now

how dumb i was to be



i bought you a present

hoping it would

help you see

the present


what a funny thing

something you can't

be okay with

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